Governance and voice
We aim to establish structures within the university that allow us to embed equality, diversity and inclusivity within our processes, systems and decision-making practices. We also want to ensure that all voices are heard, not just the loudest. We therefore want to ensure that all staff and students have opportunities to influence decision making about provision which affects their experiences at UWE Bristol.
The Transforming Futures: Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity 2030 Strategy sets out the University's commitment to achieving positive outcomes for all students and staff. It was developed following extensive consultation with staff, students, The Students' Union at UWE, trade unions and staff networks. It is underpinned by UWE Bristol’s 2030 mission and values.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity 2030:
- A place where everyone can thrive and flourish
- Ambitious for every student and member of staff
- Valuing diversity

Our principles
A whole institution approach
Equality, diversity and inclusivity is part of our core university business and is the responsibility of everyone. We work to ensure we design in inclusively and design out disadvantage in everything we do. We use charter marks to inform our practice and support with embedding change across the whole institution.
Working in partnership
Our approach is built on collaboration and connection, working with internal and external partners, governors, staff and students to achieve our vision of creating an inclusive and diverse university which provides opportunities for engagement and create a sense of belonging.
We take an evidence-based approach, focusing on impact and positive change, drawing on research and data from across the sector, as well as the lived experience and outcomes for staff and students.
A place where everyone can thrive and flourish
With the aim of being a place where everyone can thrive and flourish:
- The lived experience of staff and students will be of a University where behaviour that excludes or discriminates is not tolerated.
- We will ensure our physical and digital environments for work and study are accessible, and meet all staff and students’ physical, cultural and social needs.
- We will ensure that our policies and practices are equality impacted assessed to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion is at the centre of all we do.
- Our university culture will be inclusive at every level, through which we will live our values.
Ambitious for every student and member of staff
With the aim of being ambitious for all:
- We will create a culture in which everyone thrives and where we will prepare students for diverse workplaces, nurturing graduates who value diversity and who can draw upon diversity of thought and experience.
- We will celebrate and embrace the talent and diversity of all students and staff so that all feel valued and respected as part of our vibrant and welcoming community.
- We will design and deliver innovative and inclusive practice-led programmes that foster strong cohort identities, provide opportunities for all students to be partners in their learning, and help build successful futures.
- We will invest in resources, technologies and professional development to ensure that all staff and students can thrive, academically and professionally.
Valuing diversity
With the aim of valuing diversity:
- We will increase the diversity of our workforce through targeted and sustained interventions, working in partnership with organisations across the region to develop innovative approaches to diversifying local talent.
- We will support and celebrate the diversity of all staff and students, and of the board, as a key driver for innovation and success. We will showcase role models and strengthen the pathways and support available to inspire and generate confidence and ambition.
- We will strengthen our leadership to foster and value diversity, and ensure that development opportunities are accessible to all.
Staff networks
There are a number of staff networks at UWE Bristol providing opportunities for social interaction, peer support and personal development. These are run by staff for staff and bring together people from all colleges, departments and services who identify with a group relating to one of the protected characteristics (age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, and sexual orientation) and/or staff with a common interest shared by a number of equality groups or linked to a protected characteristic (for example, a Parents Group or Non-Permanent Staff Network).
We undertake equality analysis to consider the likely effects of our policies and practices on different groups protected from discrimination by the Equality Act in order to create a more inclusive university.
We would like to consult and engage with students, staff, visitors and members of the public on issues, policies and strategies which are important to all of us at the University.
Current consultations
Completed consultations
Student voice
At UWE Bristol, students can get involved in a variety of community societies. There are student-led national, faith and identity societies supported by The Students' Union at UWE who host a diverse range of events and activities.
National, faith and identity student societies bring together students who share similar demographics, identities, cultures and beliefs. They are passionate about sharing their backgrounds and interests and teaching all UWE Bristol students about them. Representatives from these societies are invited to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee.
Students' Union Presidents and Officers
The Students’ Union at UWE has elected Presidents and Officers who represent students on their issues. The part-time Officers are elected specifically to work to represent the interests of different student groups within UWE Bristol. They work to make sure that their specific student group has a voice within the University and in The Students’ Union at UWE.
They have worked on campaigns within the University such as Black History Month, Africa Week, Disability History Month, Disability Awareness Month, One World Celebration, LGBT History Month, and World Aids Day.
National Union of Students
The National Union of Students (NUS) has a number of networks for different student groups which also lead campaigns on different issues.
Strategic documents
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Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) policies and guidance
Documents and links to our equality, diversity and inclusivity-related policies and procedures.

Charter marks
We use charter marks to inform our practice and support with embedding change across the whole university.

Work at UWE Bristol
UWE Bristol is proud of its diverse workforce and welcomes new job applicants from all backgrounds and communities.

Contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team
Contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team for any queries, suggestions or issues related to equality and diversity.