Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) policies and guidance
Our aims
Our policies set out the University’s commitment towards the development of inclusive and supportive learning and working environments for all students and staff, where all individuals have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.
We understand that while policies are not the whole solution, they are a valuable tool to support the inclusive culture we would like to see at the University.
We believe that staff are key to realising this culture. We aspire to support each of these policy documents with staff training and guides on the staff intranet to bring our expectations to life, emphasise our inclusive values, and offer inclusive good practice advice and examples.
EDI policies are developed through a process of engagement with equality stakeholders, including students, staff, The Students’ Union at UWE, trade unions and staff networks as appropriate, alongside engagement the relevant areas of the University.

Strategy documents
Policies and guidance
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy (EDI)
The EDI Policy underpins our expectations for inclusive values, culture and practice. It underlines that an inclusive culture is everyone’s business through setting explicit expectations. It also outlines our response to legislation including the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty, and the steps people can take if they feel we are in breach of this Policy.
As part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity we have a suite of policies and guidance that helps us to live our values.
Staff Equality Diversity and Inclusion policies
- Dignity at work policy (PDF)
- Maternity leave (PDF)
- Adoption leave (PDF)
- Paternity, parental and co-parent leave (PDF)
- Carer’s leave (PDF)
- Further HR policies (PDF)
Student EDI policies
- Reasonable adjustment policy (PDF)
- Bullying and harassment of or by students policy (PDF)
- Student pregnancy, maternity, adoption or partner leave policy (PDF)
- Student behaviour and health behaviour framework (PDF)
- Other student policies (PDF)
UWE-wide EDI policies and guidance
These policies reflect our commitment to creating an environment where everyone can thrive. These policies and associated guidance documents set out our expectations.
- Religion and belief policy (PDF)
- UWE Bristol trans and non-binary policy (PDF)
- Guidance referring to trans and non-binary staff (PDF)
- Guidance referring to trans and non-binary students (PDF)
Trans and non-binary support
- If you need support as a student, please contact a Student Support Adviser.
- If you need support as a member of staff, please contact HR.
Gender Equality Plan
UWE Bristol’s Gender Equality Plan addresses:
- work-life balance and organisational culture;
- gender balance in leadership and decision-making;
- gender equality in recruitment and career progression;
- integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content;
- measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.
Measures concerning the top four points can be found in our Athena Swan action plan.
Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment can be found in our Sexual Violence Action Plan (PDF).
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Information about the UWE Bristol complaints process and the different stages involved.

View a listing of key UWE Bristol policy and strategy documents.

Support for staff
Members of staff at UWE Bristol can log in to the intranet for staff-only information on equality, diversity and inclusivity.

Contact the EDI Team
Ways to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team.