Equality, diversity and inclusivity
Equality, diversity and inclusivity underpin the University's core values.
Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) underpin our core values. We are working to ensure that our commitment to equality is reflected in the behaviour, values and practices throughout the University. We are actively seeking to promote a culture where discrimination, bullying and harassment of any student or member of staff is unacceptable.

Inclusive culture
We want to ensure the best possible experience for all students and staff.

Governance and voice
We will ensure that all staff and students have opportunities to influence decision-making about provision affecting their experiences.

100 Black Women Professors NOW
100 Black Women Professors NOW programme aims to increase the number of Black women at every stage of the academic pipeline.

Inclusive teaching and learning
We want to ensure that our learning programmes are accessible and take into account the different needs of our students and staff.

Hate incident reporting
Guidance for students, staff, visitors and contractors about reporting bullying, harassment and hate incidents.

EDI data, research and evaluation
Discover how the University uses equality and diversity data, plus access the latest statistics.

Technician Commitment
UWE Bristol is one of the proud founding signatories who have pledged to take action to remove the barriers and face the challenges affecting technical staff.

EDI Champions
Our EDI Champions are passionate members of staff who volunteer to help raise the profile of EDI at UWE Bristol.
Documents and links to our equality and diversity-related policies and procedures.
"At UWE Bristol, we passionately believe in inclusivity and opportunity for all students, staff and the wider community. We recognise the key role education has in helping transform society, to the benefit of all individuals and communities."
Steve West Vice-Chancellor, President and CEO, UWE Bristol
Charter marks
We use charter marks to inform our practice and support with embedding change across the whole university.
Charter marksOur EDI aims
The aims of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity 2030 strategy are:
- a place where everyone can thrive and flourish
- having ambition for every student and member of staff
- valuing diversity.
Our commitment to equality and diversity

EDI events
The University hosts a range of equality and diversity events aimed at a variety of audiences.

Student services
Access to all the support and services that are available for current students.

Support for staff
Members of staff at UWE Bristol can log in to the intranet for staff-only information on equality, diversity and inclusivity.

Positive action at UWE Bristol
Learn how the University is taking positive action to improve the opportunities and experience of under-represented groups of staff and students.

Supporting Global Majority students
Support services and resources for students who identify as Global Majority.

Contact the EDI Team
Ways to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team.