Equality and diversity data, research and evaluation
Equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI) data underpins all of our work and helps us to identify areas for action.
How we use the data
The University uses equality and diversity data to:
- identify gaps in student and staff outcomes or experience
- inform and guide equality assessment
- shape our recruitment practice of staff and students
- inform any intervention designed to address inequality with regards to performance or experience
- monitor our progress towards achieving our student and staff targets.

Student data reports
Given the responsibility for equality data crossing many public bodies, it is very challenging to establish an agreed way of using it. However, at UWE Bristol, we have established a consistency of methods, concepts and classifications in the collection and presentation of equality statistics.
The student compendium provides statistical data on students and is published annually in the summer as part of our Public Sector Equality Duty.
The student compendium specifically compares data between groups of students (for example, between disabled and non-disabled students) on measures such as student satisfaction and graduate outcomes.
We also produce more detailed reports which are communicated internally and are used to identify and address gaps, review trends and influence how we support our students. The monitoring of this information enables us to check that our services and policies meet the needs of all students.
Older student data
Pre-2017 student compendiums
Student compendium 2016–17
Student compendium 2015–16
- Executive summary (PDF)
- Age (PDF)
- Disability (PDF)
- Ethnicity (PDF)
- Gender (PDF)
- Low-participation neighbourhoods (PDF)
Student compendium 2014–15
- Headlines 2014–15 (PDF)
- University summary 2014–15 (PDF)
- Age 2014–15 (PDF)
- Disability 2014–15 (PDF)
- Ethnicity 2014–15 (PDF)
- Gender 2014–15 (PDF)
- Low-participation neighbourhoods 2014–15 (PDF)
Previous years
Staff data reports
The annual staffing statistics report is produced by People and Organisation Development and is published in the autumn. The report provides statistical data on the workforce, including data on different protected characteristics in compliance with the publication requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
The information is used to monitor progress against the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Strategy 2030 and provides a rich source of data for staff carrying out equality assessment.
The staffing statistics, along with other internally available reports, assist the University in tracking progress and guiding action on its equality objectives on staff recruitment, development and promotion.
We are committed to understanding the lived experience of different groups of students and staff to inform our interventions and policies.
- In 2022/23 we undertook two research projects: understanding the lived experience of trans and non-binary students, and exploring student loneliness. Results of this research will be published on the UWE Bristol Research Repository in 2024.
- In 2020/21 we evaluated the provision of financial support to students, particularly the low-income bursary, to assess whether the support meets students’ needs.
- In 2019/20 we conducted research into the lived experience of mature students at UWE Bristol via student focus groups to identify their experiences of support and provide recommendations for improvement.
- In 2018/19 the ‘Academic Journey’ research project was designed to identify the lived experience of first year students from underrepresented groups during their transition into Higher Education through a series of reflective blogs.
We have a dedicated of team of staff who support colleagues across the university to build evaluation into the design of their projects and activities in order to demonstrate impact. We use a Theory of Change approach to map out the intended impacts, outcomes and outputs of our strategies to ensure they are evidence-based and measurable. We are particularly keen to evaluate the initiatives outlined in our Access and Participation Plan (PDF) and we have developed an evaluation framework to help us with this.
Other information sources
It is important to understand this data within its sectorial and regional context. Our main sources of information will be:
- Census (for England and Wales)
- Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)
- Office for National Statistics (ONS)
- Unistats (official website for comparing UK higher education course data)
- National Student Survey (NSS).
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Equality analysis
Current consultations on issues, policies and strategies which are significant to all at UWE Bristol.

Equality and diversity events
The University hosts a range of equality and diversity events aimed at a variety of audiences.

Support for staff
Members of staff at UWE Bristol can log in to the intranet for staff-only information on equality, diversity and inclusivity.

Contact the EDI Team
Ways to contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Team.