Academic partnerships

UWE Bristol has established a number of academic partnerships both in the UK and overseas.

Introduction to academic partnerships

The term academic partnership encompasses activities such as collaborative provision, credit recognition, student exchange and any other teaching and learning activities conducted in collaboration with external institutions and organisations.

UWE Bristol has established a number of academic partnerships both in the UK and overseas. Building on our successful experience to date, we continue to develop collaborative provision in line with our strategic priorities.

Dedicated policies and supporting mechanisms have been put in place to facilitate the development and maintenance of partnerships and to ensure that the quality of student experience and the standards of our awards are maintained across all academic partnerships.

Processes for approving, extending and reviewing academic partnerships

Academic Partnerships guide

Academic Partnerships intranet guidance (staff login required) is an internal platform for sharing information and logging activities related to partnership work.

  • This guidance describes different models of collaboration developed by us and the dedicated roles and processes supporting each collaborative provision model.
  • Individual partner sites (staff login required) are used to support day-to-day operation of each partnership and to store academic agreements, records of meetings and annual quality monitoring reports.

Partnerships teams

Partnerships Quality Team

The Partnerships Quality Team is available to provide guidance and support for UWE Bristol and partner staff on the internal processes for initiating, developing, reviewing and maintaining academic partnerships. You can contact the Partnerships Quality Team at

  • Deputy Head of Quality and Partnership Enhancement – Helen Dewar
  • Senior Quality Advisor (Partnerships) – Audrey Yau
  • Quality Advisor (Partnerships) – Zarghuna Ali
  • Quality Advisor (Partnerships) – Sarah Howell
  • Quality Advisor (Partnerships) – Xanthia Hooper
  • Quality Advisor (Partnerships) – Catherine Miles
  • Quality Officer (Partnerships) – Sara Gillan
  • Quality Officer (Partnerships) – Gianina Turner

Partnerships Operations Team

In addition, there is a Partnerships Operations Team that looks after programmes and students at our International partner institutions. For enquiries relating to partnership student and programme administration, please email

UWE Bristol Strategy 2030

UWE Bristol Strategy 2030 sets out an overarching strategic approach to partnerships.

Academic regulations

Our academic regulations describe governance arrangements and procedures for safeguarding academic standards and the quality of learning opportunities provided in collaboration with other organisations.

Helpful resources

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