Supporting Global Majority students
Support services and resources for students who identify as Global Majority.
Proud to support UWE Bristol students
Creating a supportive and inspiring environment for students underpins everything we do at UWE Bristol. We’re proud to offer a range of services, resources and opportunities specifically for Global Majority students, to ensure you feel supported throughout your academic career and beyond.
Global Majority is a collective term that refers to people who are Black, Asian, Brown, Mixed Heritage, Indigenous to the Global South and/or are not racialised as White. Using ‘Global Majority’ denotes a move away from Eurocentrism, acknowledging that people from these backgrounds represent approximately 85% of the world’s population.
From our brilliant Equity programme to the exciting work that takes place in our Students' Union and societies, to the colleges working with Equity to offer exciting activities, there’s lots to get involved with to enhance your student experience and help you settle in to the UWE Bristol community.

Resources and information

Equity is a forward-looking community of Global Majority student talent all over UWE Bristol.

Report and Support
Our Report and Support online tool will help you speak up when you see or hear something that's not right.

Inclusive teaching and learning
We want to ensure that our learning programmes are accessible and take into account the different needs of our students and staff in the development, delivery and assessment of the curriculum.

Equality, diversity and inclusivity data
Discover how the University uses equality and diversity data, plus access the latest statistics.

Rapha's story"For me, UWE Bristol is the crowd of people cheering me on, encouraging me to finish and celebrating my every step. The safety net is the support I feel from everyone in UWE Bristol."
Rapha BSc(Hons) Urban Planning
For example, when I participated in the Business Case Competition, I had no business insight or experience whatsoever. However, the SU President and others encouraged me to try, have fun and learn from the experience, regardless of the outcome. We had to be on teams of four and had 24 hours to create a presentation to improve the business we were given a case on.
Within 3 hours of the competition my whole team quit, however I insisted to stay and continue. I felt so intimidated by the business students in the opposing teams. Throughout the competition, I felt very supported by the event management team and the SU President as they frequently checked on me and encouraged me to keep going. I managed to get my presentation done within the deadline.
By the end of the competition, I knew the whole staff team and became friends with them all. Although I didn’t win, I found the learning experience and the opportunity to meet new people more rewarding than any trophy. The competition taught me more about myself and my capability to persevere. Now, every time I’m going through a challenging time, I’ll remember how resilient I can be.
Student societies
Join a Students' Union at UWE national, faith or identity student society and you can meet new people.
Join a societyExternal resources
Babbasa TV is an online channel for young people by young people to talk about issues that affect you and are important for you. Babbasa TV gives you the chance to have your voice heard, while hearing from some amazing professionals from around Bristol.
Black services in Bristol
A helpful list of services to make you feel at home and help you settle in during your university stay in Bristol.
National Diverse Student Network
The National Diverse Student Network is a student-led organisation targeted at students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, running mentoring programmes and training for its members.
Nilaari is a Black, Asian and minority ethnic led registered charity with over 20 years’ experience delivering social care support, talking therapies and training to adults and young people across Bristol.
Project Zazi
Project Zazi is the run by Off The Record and helps young people tackle issues of inequality, discrimination, oppression, culture and identity.
The Black Professional Network
The Black Professionals Network (The BPN) is a social network for black and minority ethnic professionals to connect with each other.
The BME Collective
The BME Collective is a directory of all BME owned businesses in Bristol, to enable people to support and build connections with underrepresented communities.
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