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17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers
- Extensive collection of more than one thousand newspapers and pamphlets from 1600-1800.
- Based on a collection at the British Library gathered by Reverend Charles Burney.
- Coverage: Broad coverage of the humanities, science, and medicine.
- NOT included in the main library search.
19th Century British Library Newspapers
- Provides access to national, regional, and local 19th century British newspapers.
- It includes 48 titles which reflect the social and political developments of the time.
- NOT included in the main library search.
19th Century British Pamphlets Collection
- A digital collection of more than 26,000 significant pamphlets compiled from seven UK university libraries.
- Coverage: Key political, social, technological and environmental issues of their day.
- Included in the main library search.
19th Century UK periodicals, series 1
- A full text resource that spotlights the birth of modern magazine publishing in Britain.
- Charts the rise of children’s entertainment and education, and increasing interest in popular sports and hobbies.
- Also covers the political spectrum of women’s writing.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
- Over 300 anatomy lessons on video using real, dissected human specimens.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ACM Digital Library
- Full text of all ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) journals, newsletters and conference proceedings.
- Included in the main library search.
AES (Audio Engineering Society) E-Library
- Over 13,000 fully searchable PDF files documenting the progression of audio research from 1953 to the present day.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Online education platform.
- Incorporates The Practising Midwife, The Student Midwife and The Practising Midwife Australia.
- Not included in the main library search.
All the World's Primates
- Resource for information about all the species and subspecies of living lorises, galagos, lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, and apes.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding
- The most popular postgraduate funding resource in the UK.
- Included in the main library search.
AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) (via EBSCO)
- A selection of journals in complementary medicine, palliative care, professions allied to medicine (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, rehabilitation, and speech and language therapy).
- Provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
A-N Resources
- An online resource promoting the visual arts and supporting artists and designers in their practice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Interactive 3D anatomy resource.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Archbold: Criminal Pleading Evidence and Practice (via Westlaw)
- All the material needed when preparing for a case and during a trial.
- Includes both substantive law and practice and procedure of the courts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Art & Architecture Source
- Bibliographic and full text database of leading art, design and architecture journals from around the world since 1984.
- More than 75% of the currently published journals in this database ARE included in the main library search.
ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)
- One of the major bibliographical sources of information on modern and contemporary arts dating from the late 19th century onwards.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Art, Design and Architecture Collection
- This collection covers the fields of visual and applied arts
Arts & Humanities
- Features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre, and Cultural Studies.
- Full-text journals.
- Included in the main library search.
- Open access to 700,931 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, and Statistics.
- Included in the main library search.
ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts)
- Worldwide English language coverage of journal articles, conference papers and book reviews in the fields of applied social sciences and health.
- Provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Atkin's Court Forms (via Lexis+ UK)
- UK encyclopaedia of civil litigation forms, precedents and procedure.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Audio Arts
- Audio Arts has become one of the most comprehensive aural archive of artists’ voices and sound art in the world.
- Featuring exclusive contributions from more than 900 individual artists including Joseph Beuys, Ian Breakwell, Tracey Emin and Andy Warhol.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Australian Education Index
- Australia's largest source of education information and indexes journal articles, books, conference papers, reports, and theses in the fields of educational research, policy and practice.
- Relevant to a wide range of people interested in education.
- Provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
Avalon Project
- A Yale-based project to provide documents in law, history and diplomacy back to the 18th century and earlier.
- NOT included in the main library search.
BCIS (Building Cost Information Service)
- Contains elemental cost analyses for over 17,500 projects across the UK.
- NOT included in the main library search.
BCIS Online Rates Database
- Online price book data from Building Cost Information Service (BCIS) for estimating the costs of construction projects.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Berg Fashion Library
- A unique new online portal which offers users fully cross-searchable access to an expanding range of Berg content collections.
- Part of the Bloomsbury Fashion Central Collection.
- Included in the main library search.
Bess of Hardwick's Letters
- Letters to and from Bess of Hardwick between the years 1550 and 1607. It includes correspondence, images, and commentaries that provide an overview of her life.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Bibliography of British and Irish History
- Covering British and Irish history and relations with the empire and Commonwealth, from 55 BC to the present.
- NOT included in the main library search.
BioMed Central
- This is a collection of 186 full-text journals in biology and medicine.
- Included in the main library search.
Blackstone's Criminal Practice (via Lexis+ UK)
- An annual publication from Oxford University Press which covers all areas of criminal law and is divided into 6 different subject areas.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Blackstone’s Police Manuals
- Offers in depth, cross-referenced information on all subject areas required for police examinations.
- Topics covered include Crime, Evidence and Procedure, and Road Policing, as well as consolidated tables of cases and statutes.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts
- Covers the fields of fashion and textiles, design and illustration, photography, film and animation, architecture and interiors, marketing and advertising.
- Provides access to over 170 books which combine visual inspiration with practical advice on idea generation, research techniques, portfolio development and more, across the main visual arts disciplines.
- Included in the main library search.
Bloomsbury Architecture Library
- Over 40 eBooks on topics ranging from architecture and architectural history, to theory, design, urbanism, landscape, and interiors.
- Browse countries and periods you are interested in using the interactive world map and timeline.
- Included in the main library search.
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies
- Offers systematic coverage of education systems, policies, and childhood experience in different countries around the world.
- Includes over 80 e-books on comparative and international education, peer and country overview articles, policy reports and reference series.
- Included in the main library search.
Bloomsbury Hart
- An e-book selected collection which you can browse, read on screen, or download.
- Included in the main library search.
Bloomsbury Video Library
- Bloomsbury Video Library is home to a rich, growing range of streaming collections for students, teachers and researchers across the arts, humanities and social sciences.
- Featuring content from filmed performances and fiction films to documentaries and instructional videos.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Up-to-date information on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicines.
- NOT included in the main library search.
BNF for children
- Up-to-date information on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicine for children.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
- Off-air recording and media archive service.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Brightmine (formerly XpertHR)
- A major resource of information for human resources.
- Provides journal articles, case studies, model policies, legislation, statistics, news, commentary, surveys, and analysis.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Brill Journal Archive
- Provides access to over 50,000 articles to more than 80 journals published by Brill before 2000.
- Included in the main library search.
Bristol Historical Resource
- This is the online version of the Bristol Historical Resources CD-ROM, Created in 2000 by the UWE Regional History Centre.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)
- Collections on the History of Science.
- Fully searchable digital images that can be analysed, downloaded and manipulated.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Cartoon Archive
- Contains more than 125,000 cartoons, fully-catalogued, searchable, and available to view online.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Education Index
- Covers research, policy, and practice in education and training in the UK, with particular strengths in evaluation and assessment, technology, and SEN.
- Sources include journal articles, books, reports, series, and conference papers.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British History Online
- The digital library of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and early modern history of Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Humanities Index
- An international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities and arts.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
British Labour Party Papers, 1906-1969
- Records compiled by the Parliamentary Labour Party 1906-1969.
- Covers the early years of the party, the Ramsay MacDonald government, the wartime coalition, the Clement Atlee administration and the first premiership of Harold Wilson.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Library Sounds
- Contains over 12,000 recordings from the British Library's Sound Archive of the spoken word, music, interviews and sound effects.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British National Corpus (BNC)
- A 100 million-word collection of samples of written and spoken language from a wide range of sources.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Nursing Database
- A full text UK nursing and midwifery database, covering over 300 UK journals and other English language titles.
- Included in the main library search.
British Periodicals Collections I and II
- Almost 500 British periodical runs from the 1680s to the 1930s, based on the UMI Microfilm Collection, 'Early British Periodicals'.
- Included in the main library search.
British Printed Images to 1700
- British Printed Images to 1700 is a digital library of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
British Union of Fascists: newspapers and secret files
- Contains the three principal organs of the British Union of Fascists: Action (1936-1940), Blackshirt (1933-1939) and Fascist week (1933-1934).
- NOT included in the main library search.
BSOL (British Standards Online)
- The British Standards Institute's flagship database of standards.
- Included in the main library search.
- Established in 1843, Building is a weekly magazine covering the breadth of the built environment, including news, analysis, case studies, careers and regulations.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Building Design Online
- The latest news, analysis, buildings and hard industry data as well as unique video covering the architectural spectrum.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Building Types Online
- This architectural design resource allows you to find photos and technical plans of a large collection of international buildings.
- Find information on buildings including housing, office buildings, museums, schools, libraries, industrial complexes.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Business Source Ultimate
- UK and international business, management and economics issues across a range of sectors including construction, IT, education, and health.
- Included in the main library search.
Business Trove
- Provides full text access to over 50 Oxford University Press (OUP) business and management textbooks.
- Included in main library search.
Butterworths Personal Injury Litigation Service
- Covers all aspects of personal injury law and litigation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics
- Thousands of essays on major authors, periods and genres, written by experts and designed for student readers.
- Included in the main library search.
Cambridge eBook Collection
- Access to over 1,000 e-books published by Cambridge University Press.
- Included in the main library search.
Campbell Collaboration
- C2 is an evidence-based resource covering social welfare, education, psychology and crime.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Cambridge Journals Online
- Cambridge Journals Digital Archive contains the full text from 170 journals, from volume 1, issue 1 to 1996.
- Included in the main library search.
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
- A web-based service which allows users to search for the meanings of abbreviations of English-language legal publications or enter the title of a law publication to find the abbreviation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
CCO - Philosophy Religion and Cultural Studies (Cambridge Companions Online)
- Provides introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics, and periods in the subject areas of literature, philosophy, classics, religion, and cultural studies.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Child Development and Adolescent Studies
- Indexes current and historical literature related to the growth and development of children up to the age of 21.
Chitty on Contracts via Westlaw
- Definitive practitioner text on contract law.
- NOT included in the main library search.
CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction)
- The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), is an international network conducting research in the areas of building and construction.
- NOT included in the main library search.
CINAHL Plus (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
- CINAHL Plus covers more than 4,500 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with coverage dating as far back as 1937.
Cinema Projectionist
- A digital archive and website on the history of cinema projection in Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Cision can help discover relevant news, trends, and conversations that impact a brand, across all media channels in real time.
- The platform can help connect the right journalists and influencers to the story they will be most effective at promoting.
- NOT included in the main library search.
CiteSeerX (Research Index)
- Citeseer (also known as Research Index) is a scientific digital library aimed primarily at computer scientists.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Civil Procedure Rules (White Book), via Westlaw
- The definitive statement on civil procedure. It provides high quality commentary and expert opinion as well as links to primary sources referenced.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Clarke, Hall and Morrison on Children
- Leading work on both the civil jurisdiction of the family courts and the criminal jurisdiction of the youth courts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Clergy of the Church of England Database
- The principal records of clerical careers from over 50 archives in England and Wales.
- Coverage of as many clerical lives as possible from the Reformation to the mid-nineteenth century.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Clerk and Lindsell on Torts via Westlaw
- Definitive practitioner text on torts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Clinical Skills
- More than 160 clinical skills procedures, in a user-friendly illustrated format, regularly updated and with a useful search facility.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Cochrane Library
- The Cochrane Library is considered to be the best single source of reliable evidence on the effects of health care.
Communication and Mass Media Complete
- A database covering journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study.
- Included in the main library search.
- A fully searchable and indexed database of over 196,000 planning appeals decisions.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Constructing Excellence
- Access to the Members Portal providing online access to Constructing Excellence publications, case studies, guidance, task and networking groups and KPIs and benchmarking information.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Construction Information Service
- Access to an index of standards, regulatory and advisory documents for the UK construction industry.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Coronavirus Research Database
- Comprehensive research and background coverage of past pandemics and epidemics, like MERS and SARS.
- Includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (Medieval Stained Glass Windows in Britain)
- International research project dedicated to recording medieval stained glass in Great Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
CoStar Suite
- CoStar Suite endeavours to provide a full market inventory of freehold and leasehold properties and spaces, covering the UK, US, and Canada.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Crime and Deviance Channel
- Includes texts, PowerPoints, audio and video aimed at criminology and sociology students researching the theories and methods surrounding crime and deviance and subjects such as power and control, social distribution and globalisation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Cullen Project
- A searchable database of the consultation letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- The Cumulative Index of Computer Aided Design (CumInCAD) is a cumulative index of publications about computer aided architectural design.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Curia: European Court of Justice
- Case-law database on the official web site of the European Court of Justice (as well as the General Court and the European Union Civil Service Tribunal).
- NOT included in the main library search.
Current Sentencing Practice, via Westlaw
- A comprehensive service on the law and practice of sentencing in England and Wales.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Daily Worker and Morning Star Digital Archive
- Daily Worker digital archive 1930-1966 and Morning Star 1997-current.
- Daily newspaper founded in 1930 by the Communist Party of Great Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Data Archive
- Provides access to over 5,000 computer-readable datasets for research and teaching purposes for many different disciplines in the UK.
- NOT included in the main library search.
DCP Online (Development Control Practice)
- Best practice, legislation, policy statements, planning authority guidance, and appeal decisions with expert analysis of how this is applied in practice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
De Gruyter
- This is an e-book selected collection which you can browse, read on-screen, or download.
- Included in the main library search.
DERA (Digital Education Resource Archive)
- The Institute of Education UK Digital Education Repository Archive is a digital archive of all documents published electronically by government and related bodies in the area of education.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
- Bibliographic database to journal articles published in over 450 international craft and design journals since 1973 and includes data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops, and companies.
Design Week
- Design Week is a UK Design website specialising in design news and jobs.
- NOT included in the main library search.
DETAIL Inspiration
- Provides architects with images and reference details for more than 3,000 projects from the last 30 years of DETAIL.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Digimap is a collection of services that deliver maps and map data of Great Britain.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Digital National Security Archive
- The Digital National Security Archive is a database of primary declassified documents covering US foreign and military policy since 1945.
- Included in the main library search.
Digital Theatre Plus
- Streamed films of leading British theatre productions for educational use in schools, colleges, and universities.
- NOT included in the main library search.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- The Directory of Open Access Journals is a list of freely-available, full-text, quality-controlled, scientific and scholarly journals.
- Included in the main library search.
Drama Online
- Playtexts, books, filmed live performances, film adaptations and audio plays.
- Features: Aurora Metro, BBC Drama, National Theatre, Nick Hern Books, Oberon Books, Playwrights Canada Press, RSC Live and Shakespeare’s Globe.
- Included in the main library search.
Early English Books Online
- Digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America.
- Included in the main library search.
Early European Books Online
- A wide-ranging overview of the intellectual life and historical upheavals of early modern Europe.
- NOT included in the main library search.
EBSCO eBook Collection
- A package of e-books on a wide range of subjects, which you can borrow or browse.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Over 600 journals, collected volumes, books, dissertations, and working papers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Education Abstracts
- Subject areas include adult education, government funding, higher education, teacher evaluation and more.
Education & Bass
- An online music production school giving students free access to online music education videos, over 1000 courses, tutorials and lectures for all electronic genres.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Education Policy and Research Service (formerly Education Document Summary Service)
- Key research, policy and influential developments in the world of education.
- Includes publications from DfE, Ofsted, Ofqual, UCAS, NfER, EPI and more
- NOT included in the main library search.
Education Research Complete
- Covers all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, as well as policy, administration, funding, and related social issues.
- More than 85% of journals are included in the main library search.
Educational Administration Abstracts
- Bibliographic records covering areas related to educational administration, including leadership, management, and research.
Educational Research eBooks Online 2018
- Covers topics from Language Education to Education Policy & Politics.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Edward Elgar Online
- A journal and e-book selected collection which you can browse, read on screen, or download.
- Included in the main library search.
EGi News/Radius Data Exchange
- Full text of the Estates Gazette archive from January 1986, as well as property news from March 1996.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- A diverse collection of material for the researcher of the eighteenth century.
- Included in the main library search.
- Specialist database which includes global economic, listed company, financial data.
- An integrated news, content and analytic trading platform which allows you to monitor the markets and perform in-depth research.
- Eikon includes access to the data that was previously available via Datastream.
- NOT included in the main library search
- 24 million indexed records in the field of biomedicine.
- Over 300 peer-reviewed journals covering subjects such as engineering, business and health & social care.
- Included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Compulsory Purchase and Compensation, via Westlaw UK
- A guide to the law relating to the compulsory purchase of land and the compensation provisions.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Health Law and Practice, via Westlaw UK
- Coverage of the legislation and guidance relating to environmental health law.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Forensic Science
- Covers all aspects of forensic science.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents
- Covers areas such as sale of land, landlord and tenant, commercial law, wills and trusts, and family law.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Highway Law and Practice, via Westlaw UK
- A major work on highway law including full text of all relevant legislation, complete with annotations.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Housing Law and Practice, via Westlaw UK
- Aimed at practitioners and includes commentary on all relevant legislation.
Encyclopedia of Human Rights
- Covers a wide range of topics, including key organisations, events, and leading figures.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Local Government Law, via Westlaw UK
- Acts and regulations, with a detailed commentary and full references to relevant judicial authorites.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Planning Law and Practice, via Westlaw UK
- A comprehensive source of guidance and policy on planning law.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Encyclopedia of Road Traffic Law and Practice, via Westlaw UK
- Comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date information on road traffic law and practice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ENDS Report
- Access to environmental intelligence for professionals.
- Included in the main library search.
- A full-text collection of product catalogues providing data on components and equipment for electronic engineers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
English Reports, via HeinOnline
- Covers the decisions of the English Courts prior to the start of the Law Reports in 1865.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), via EBSCO
- The world's largest education database, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education.
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), via ProQuest
- This database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education to provide extensive access to education-related literature.
- British Library database of full-text UK Higher education research theses.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Direct access to European Union law.
- Subject areas: Europe; Law; European Union; EU
- NOT included in the main library search.
European Sources Online
- Information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions, and other international organisations of Europe.
- A database of historical artwork, artefacts, books, videos and sounds from across Europe.
- NOT included in the main library search.
eWIC (Electronic Workshops in Computing)
- Access to conference papers archive from 1995 to the present day.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Faculti Media Education Collection
- Offers short, engaging, cutting-edge video and audio media to support undergraduate, postgraduate and professional education course delivery.
- Allows you to embed the latest course-mapped research interviews into lecture notes, study guides and reading lists.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Company accounts, ratios, activities, ownership, and management for the largest 2.6 million UK and Irish companies plus summary information for a further 1 million smaller businesses.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Fashion and Race Database
- Research and resources aimed at addressing racism and promoting diversity in the fashion system.
- Focuses on the under-examined voices of those marginalised within the industry.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Financial Times via Nexis
- News, analysis and comment from the online edition of the world’s leading global business publication, the Financial Times.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Fitch Ratings PRO
- Provides financial data on banks, insurance firms, corporates and sovereigns.
- NOT included in the main library search.
FLAG (Foreign Law Guide)
- Holdings of foreign primary-source materials in UK libraries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Free access to medical journals over the Internet, over 400 titles are included.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Google Image Search
- One of the most comprehensive image resources on the web.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.
- Includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
Grove Music Online
- A dynamic research tool combining the full text of the 29-volume print edition.
- Sophisticated search capabilities, one-click cross-referencing, and an ever increasing network of web-links to musical sites around the world.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Guardian and Observer (ProQuest Historical Newspapers)
- Online access to The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) newspapers.
- Easily searchable first coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- Included in the main library search.
Halsbury's Laws of England (via Lexis+ UK)
- A general legal encyclopaedia covering the whole spectrum of English law.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Halsbury's Statutes Citator (via Lexis+ UK)
- Provides a citation for the current status of over 7,600 statutes. There are links through to the full text.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Halsbury's Statutory Instruments (via Lexis+ UK)
- Provides a citation for the current status of over 7,600 statutes. There are links through to the full text.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Halsbury's Statutes known as UK Parliament Acts on Lexis+ UK
- UK Parliament Acts contain the full, amended text of all public general Acts that are currently in force.
- Legislation that has been recently enacted but is not yet in force is also included.
- Public general Acts that are no longer in force do not appear in full text but a note explains why the enactment no longer applies.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Edited verbatim report of proceedings in the Commons Chamber, Westminster Hall, and Standing Committees.
- Contains written ministerial statements and written answers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law
- Provides commentary on industrial relations and employment law and practice.
- It analyses the law, and fills in the practical background.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- The resource provides clips of patients talking about a range of health care conditions.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A full-text, searchable archive of law journals.
- Pages appear as they would in the original hardcopy including all charts, graphs, and photographs.
- Included in the main library search.
Historic England (formerly English Heritage)
- Historic England carries out ground-breaking research on a wide range of subjects from archaeomagnetic dating to animal remains and building investigation to electrical imaging.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Provides access to the case-law of the Court, the European Commission of Human Rights and the Committee of Ministers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences)
- Focuses mainly on politics, sociology, economics and anthropology and is one of the world's largest social-science databases.
ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Virtual Library
- Access to one of the largest repositories of full-text civil engineering papers in the world.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ICLR Online
- Incorporated Council of Law Reporting Online provides full-text access to the The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales.
- Includes court ready PDFs, WLR daily case summaries and a citator.
- NOT included in the main library search.
IDS Employment Law Handbook via Westlaw
- Expert guidance on the wider implications of new judgments and legislation, flagging up trends in employment litigation and practice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
IEEE Xplore
- IEL includes full-text access for: IEEE journals and conference proceedings, IEE journals and conference proceedings, IEEE standards and over 400 Wiley-IEEE e-books.
- Included in the main library search.
IHS Technical Indexes
- Includes the following databases: Construction Information Services, Engineer-it, Environmental Management, Occupational H&S Information Service and Specify-it Building.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A commercial law database offering specialist commentary and analysis as well as access to some case reports in maritime and commercial law.
- Includes cases.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Images of England
- A digital library of photographs of England's listed buildings, together with text descriptions.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Independent Local Radio
- Audio files from four archives of Independent Local Radio from 1973 to 1996.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Independent Voices
- Digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries.
- Produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, via HeinOnline
- Index to articles and book reviews appearing in more than 500 legal journals published worldwide.
- Coverage of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law, and the law of all jurisdictions other than the United States, the UK, Canada, and Australia.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Index to Legal Periodicals and Books Full Text
- A bibliographic database that cites articles from legal periodicals and indexes law books published or edited in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
- Free public access to over 313,000 full-text documents and bibliographic citations of Department of Energy (DOE) research report literature.
- Documents are primarily from 1991 onwards and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees.
- Included in the main library search.
Institute of Physics Journal Archive
- Full-text archive of all of the journals published by the Institute of Physics.
- Journal articles of high-quality science from key authors and some of the most significant journals in the physical sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
International Bibliography of Art (IBA)
- IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA).
- The database adds 18,000 records per year.
- It gives unbroken coverage of journals that were indexed in BHA and IBA prior to 2010.
- Included in the main library search.
IPD Market Information
- Our subscription to IPD Market Information has been upgraded to MSCI Real Estate Analytics Portal.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Meets the information needs of the surveying industry, isurv is a comprehensive online service for the surveying profession.
- One-stop-shop for best practice, legal and RICS guidance, it covers the topics of building surveying, commercial property, construction, estate agency, legislation, planning, rural, sustainability, and valuation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
John Johnson Collection
- A digitised document collection of more than 65,000 printed items of ephemera from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
John Strype's Survey of London Online
- An electronic version of John Strype's Elizabethan survey of London and Westminster.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Journal of Visualised Experiments (JoVE)
- JoVE Basic Biology is a video journal collection covering laboratory methods and science concepts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- UWE Bristol subscribes to the JSTOR multidisciplinary Arts and Sciences Collections I,II,III,V,VII, VIII and XIV.
- A scholarly archive of over 1,000 full-text electronic journals.
- Access to over 18,000 films, including major blockbusters, documentaries and the Criterion collection.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Kemp on Lawtel (via Westlaw Edge UK)
- A collection of personal injury quantum reports and practice tools.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Knovel contains over 3,000 electronic books covering a wide range of engineering, transportation, and sustainability topics.
- Includes Material Property Search and Knovel Data Analytics
- Included in the main library search.
Knovel Interactive Equations
- Combines powerful, browser-based, calculation software with a robust collection of hundreds of ready-to-use equation worksheets keyed to classic reference works and international standards.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Know Your Place
- Know Your Place is a website that allows you to explore your neighbourhood through historic maps, images and linked information.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Provides UK academia with a high quality spatial data download service which is enhanced and supported by a range of learning material.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Law Trove
- Provides full text access to 200 Oxford University Press (OUP) Law textbooks.
- Included in the main library search.
- A current awareness service for legal practitioners.
- Provides access to comprehensive personal injury information.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- All content from the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series from the last 2 years.
- Included in the main library search.
Legacies of British Slave Ownership
- A database holding the findings of two projects on slave ownership.
- Topics include areas on the slave owners estates and plantations, maps of the estates.
- NOT included in the main library search. (via Westlaw Edge UK)
- UK Parliament Public General Acts (from 1988) onwards and all Local Acts (from 1991) onwards.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Lexis+ UK
- Covers UK legal materials including cases, legislation, journal articles, and practitioner texts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Lexis Practical Guidance
- Current legal information briefings applied to Commercial, Corporate, Employment and Tax.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Lexis+ UK International
- International legal materials from a range of sources (cases, legislation, forms & precedents, and secondary materials).
- Includes cases.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Lindley and Banks on Partnership (via Westlaw)
- Definitive practitioner text on partnership law, covering both general and limited partnership.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Linguistics and Language Behaviour Abstracts
- Indexes international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
LinkedIn Learning (previously
- Video training for a vast number of software products, IT topics, and design and business skills.
- NOT included in the main library search.
LISA (Library and Information Science Abstracts)
- Guide to articles from over 550 periodicals from 68 countries and papers from major English language conferences, going back over 30 years.
- Included in the main library search.
LISTA Library Information Science and Technology Abstracts
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts.
- Provides full text of journal articles and indexing of books, research reports and conference proceedings.
- Included in the main library search.
London Lives 1690-1800
- A fully searchable database of 240,000 manuscripts from eight archives and fifteen datasets.
- Gives access to 3.35 million names on the subjects of crime, poverty and social policy between 1690-1800.
- NOT included in the main library search.
LWW Health Library for Occupational Therapy
- Provides interactive online access to essentials texts, procedure videos, images, real-life case studies and quiz banks.
- NOT included in the main library search.
LWW Health Library for Ophthalmology
- Provides online access to essential text and procedure videos.
- Not included in the main library search.
Manchester Film Studies
- Manchester Film Studies is a collection of e-books and one journal from prominent authors in the field of film.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Mark Allen Healthcare Complete
- A comprehensive collection of over 25 peer-reviewed journals.
- Includes clinical nursing, midwifery, dental nursing, pre-hospital care and veterinary practice.
- Included in the main library search.
Marketline Advantage
- An international database giving full-text, in-depth reports.
- Covers 50,000 companies worldwide, 2,000 industries and 215 countries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Mass Observation Online
- The Mass Observation Online archive specialises in material about everyday life in Britain.
- Included in the main library search.
- MaterialDistrict is the global network in the area of innovative materials.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Maternity and Infant Care
- The MIDIRS (Midwives Information and Resource Service) Reference Database.
- Covers around 550 international English language journals.
- Included in the main library search.
- Video Streaming from maternity experts covering the key issues facing maternity & midwifery professionals.
- Boxsets are a themed selections of videos from maternity experts plus a back catalogue of 700 Maternity & Midwifery videos recorded over past 7 years.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's® (NLM).
- A premier bibliographic database of life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine.
- Included in the main library search.
- MEDLINE is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's® (NLM) premier bibliographic database.
- Covers life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine.
- Included in the main library search.
Migration to New Worlds
- The emigration of peoples from Great Britain, mainland Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Included in the main library search.
- This database gives full-text access to market survey information produced by Mintel.
- NOT included in the main library search.
MLA International Bibliography
- The MLA International Bibliography is a subject index.
- Covers books and articles published on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics.
- Included in the main library search.
MSCI Real Estate Analytics Portal
- MSCI’s private real estate market information dataset, Global Intel incorporates more than 3,000 direct property indexes.
- NOT included in the main library search.
National Statistics
- The official gateway to UK National Statistics, providing access to the latest statistics from government departments in the UK.
- NOT included in the main library search.
NBER Working Papers
- Current and historic research papers from The National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Included in the main library search.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database
- The NCJRS is published by the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice's National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
- An information clearinghouse for people in US and around the world involved with research, policy, and practice related to criminal and juvenile justice, and drug control.
- Included in the main library search.
- Therapies for psychological problems occuring as a consequence of acquired brain impairment.
- Includes disciplines of nursing, occupational therapy, neurology, physiotherapy, psychiatry, psychology, social work and speech pathology.
- NOT included in the main library search.
News on Screen
- Database of 180,000 cinemagazine and newsreel stories linked to production documents and films.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Full text database including UK national and regional newspapers, and worldwide newspapers and magazines.
- Includes access to the Financial Times.
- Also includes full-text information covering companies, industries, market surveys, countries, and people.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Nexis Company Dossier
- Global company data, executive information and news information.
- Sourced from multiple providers to create easy-to-use company reports.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Provided by the Office for National Statistics to give you access to up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Occupational Health and Safety Information Service
- A full-text collection of over 23,000 documents.
- Covers the field of occupational and environmental health and safety.
- NOT included in the main library search.
The Old Bailey Online
- A database of the largest body of texts detailing the lives of non-elite people ever published.
- Contains 197,745 criminal trials held at London's central criminal court.
- NOT included in the main library search.
One Literature (formerly Literature Online)
- One Literature covers the period 1500 – 2008.
- Contains 5 million literature citations from thousands of journals, monographs, dissertations, and more than 500,000 primary works.
- Includes rare and obscure texts, multiple versions, and non-traditional sources like comics, theatre performances, and author readings.
- Included in the main library search.
Open Commons of Phenomenology
- Hosts texts, documents, images, and other relevant materials and research related to the phenomenology.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Open Score
- A crowd funded/sourced collection of public domain works and original works.
- Users are responsible for checking the copyright terms of the work as displayed on the site due to variance between UK and US legislation.
- Included in the main library search.
O'Reilly Online Learning
- Training guides for those in the field of IT, including developers, web designers and creative professionals.
- Includes books, videos, case studies, interactive tutorials, audio books and video.
- Included in the main library search.
- Comparable global data resource on private and public companies.
- Contains 10 years of historical data.
- NOT included in the main Library Search.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) iLibrary
- Access to the full text of some of the OECD publications including working papers, statistics, journals, and books.
- Included in the main library search.
- Free resource, providing abstracts of systematics reviews and randomised controlled trials in the field of occupational therapy.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A searchable index of policy documents, guidelines, think tank publications and working papers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland
- Ultimate reference work on family names of the UK.
- Covers English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Cornish and immigrant surnames.
- Included in the main library search.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
- An illustrated collection of over 56,000 biographies of people who shaped all aspects of Britain’s past.
- From the 4th Century to the 21st Century.
- Included in the main library search.
Oxford English Dictionary Online
- The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Oxford Handbooks Online - Criminology and Criminal Justice
- This is a collection of eBooks representing Criminology and Criminal Justice's principal subfields.
- Included in the main library search.
Oxford Handbooks Online - Political Science
- This is a collection of over 100 eBooks representing all of Political Science's principal subfields.
- Included in the main library search.
Oxford Handbooks Online - Psychology
- A collection of over 200 eBooks representing all of psychology’s principal sub-fields.
- Included in the main library search.
Oxford Scholarship Online
- The Oxford Scholarship Online is an e-book selected collection.
- Available to browse, read on screen, or download.
- Included in the main library search.
PADDI (Planning Architecture Design Database Ireland)
- An index to journal articles on the built environment and environmental planning in Ireland.
- NOT included in the main library search.
PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service)
- Chronicles the world's public affairs, public and social policies, international relations, and world politics.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- An authoritative dictionary covering a wide range of economics topics written by the world's leading economists.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Archiving, publishing, and distributing geo-referenced data from earth system research.
- Offers records from over 120 countries worldwide.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A business information resource providing intelligence on industries, countries and consumers.
- Economic data and analysis for the economies of 68 countries, covering 177 industries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Bibliographic details and abstracts of randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews in physiotherapy.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Petrucci Music Library (International Music Score Library Project)
- A community wiki allowing the archiving and access of public domain music scores and performances.
- Users are responsible for checking the copyright terms of the work as displayed on the site due to variance between UK and US legislation.
- Included in the main library search.
Periodicals Archive Online
- Digitised journals published in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, spread over a two hundred year period.
- Included in the main library search.
- Index of the research literature in philosophy containing bibliographic records.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Picturing Places
- Contains the role and history of topographical views, maps and texts.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Planning Resource
- Planning Resource provides the latest impartial and in-depth news, analysis, planning appeals, policy and legislation and the latest jobs.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Police Professional
- Monthly online journal for UK law enforcement, sharing guidance and practice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Policing Insight
- The very latest thinking in progressive policing with expert articles from government, policing professionals, and academia.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Practical Law
- Legal know-how covering practice notes, standard documents and drafting notes, and the practical implications of key developments.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Project Muse
- Online access to high quality humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from scholarly publishers.
- Included in the main library search.
Property Week Magazine
- The leading news magazine in the commercial property market with all the latest information from the industry.
- NOT included in the main library search.
ProQuest Criminal Justice
- U.S. and international criminal justice journals including abstracts and indexing for 250 titles.
- Included in the main library search.
ProQuest Education Journals
- Top educational publications, including literature on primary, secondary, higher education and home schooling.
- Many titles are indexed in the ERIC database
- Included in the main library search.
ProQuest Sociology
- International literature of sociology and social work.
- Coverage: social work, social services, community and mental health, and crisis intervention.
- Included in the main library search.
PsycArticles (APA PsycArticles)
- A definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology.
- Contains more than 153,000 articles from nearly 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA)
- Included in the main library search.
PsycBooks (APA PsycBooks)
- A crucial research tool for the behavioural sciences.
- Access to 3,733 scholarly titles within psychology and its sub-fields.
PsycInfo (APA PsycInfo)
- Comprehensive international bibliographic database of psychology.
- Material from more than 2,450 periodicals from more than 49 countries.
- Includes nursing, psychology, medicine, sociology, pharmacology, physiology and linguistics.
PTSDpubs (formerly PILOTS)
- Citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health conditions resulting from traumatic events.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Access to over 16 million references for articles on clinical science and biomedicine.
- Included in the main library search.
The Purple Guide
- Help for those who organise music or similar events, so that the events can run safely.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Royal College of Physicians Part I
- Archive containing a range of resources presented as fully searchable digital images.
- Database is NOT included in the main library search.
Reading lists at
- Access recommended reading quickly and easily and create quick and flexible reading lists.
- Lists can be created and embedded within Blackboard modules.
- NOT included in the main library search.
RePEc/IDEAS (Internet Documents in Economics Access Service)
- An international database of freely-available working papers, journal articles and book chapters in the economics field.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Research into Higher Education Abstracts
- This database indexes more than 250 research journals in the field of higher education.
- It is international in focus, with an emphasis on British and Commonwealth countries.
RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Online
- An index to articles in over 300 of the world's most respected architectural journals, and details of books and audio visual materials held in the RIBA Library
- NOT included in the main library search.
RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) Online
- An index to the Library of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, including books, journal articles, law reports and transcript, websites and audio tapes.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Routledge Handbooks Online Music Collection
- Routledge Music handbooks and companions revolve around current topics such as Music and Cognition, and evolving areas of study like music and visual culture, and popular music analysis.
- Included in the main library search.
Royal Society of Chemistry Journals
- Full-text access to the journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).
- Included in the main library search.
SAE MOBILUS (Formerly SAE Digital Library)
- Provides access to the technical papers of the Society of Automotive Engineers in full text from 1906 onwards, also features SAE journals and e-books.
- Included in the main library search.
SAGE Business Cases
- An interdisciplinary collection of more than 5,000 authoritative business cases from over 120 countries.
- Included in the main library search.
SAGE Journals Online
- Provides full-text access to the journals published by Sage to which UWE Bristol subscribes.
- Included in the main library search.
SAGE Research Methods
- A web-based research methods tool created to help researchers, staff and students with their research projects.
- SRM focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, so can be used by researchers from the social sciences, health sciences and more.
- Included in the main library search.
- Explore scientific, technical, and medical research from over 1,000 electronic journals.
- Includes business, economics and social sciences.
- Included in the main library search.
- The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.
- Fields of research include science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Included in the main library search.
Screen Studies
- A dynamic digital platform taking users from script to screen and beyond.
- Offering a broad range of content from Bloomsbury and Faber & Faber to support moving-image studies.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Online resource of British film and television, featuring hundreds of biographies and articles from the British Film Institute National Archive.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Shakespeare on Film, Television and Radio
- Shakespeare-related content in film, television, radio and video recordings dating from 1890 to the present day.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Simon's Direct Tax Service
- An authorative source on UK income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax and international taxation.
- Includes worked examples and is cross-referenced to the legislation, source materials and tax treaties.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Siren Films
- Educational child development videos and training resources for early years professionals and academics.
- The video clips focus on providing up to date theoretical information about how children learn and develop.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Social Care Online
- Contains research briefings, reports, legislation and government documents and more relating to all aspects of social care.
- Social Care Online is provided by the UK organisation Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE).
- NOT included in the main library search.
Social Policy and Practice
- Social Policy and Practice brings together data from five databases covering Behavioural & Social Sciences, Social Work and Public Health.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Social Services Abstracts
- Bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.
Sociological Abstracts
- Indexes journal articles and conference proceedings from over 1,500 journals in the field of sociology and related disciplines.
- An online collection of up to date product catalogues for designers, specifiers and purchasers in construction, civil engineering and process engineering.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- A comprehensive, bibliographic database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science and much more.
- A collection of full-text journals covering subject areas such as biological sciences, computing, engineering and environment, humanities, mathematics and statistics, medicine and health, physical sciences and chemistry.
- Includes a number of e-books on business, law, and computer science, as well as Lecture Notes in Computer Science for the last three years.
- Included in the main library search.
- Provides individual sets of instructions to allow scientists to recreate experiments in their own laboratories.
- It contains more than 2,000 protocols, most of which come from the classic book series Methods in Molecular Biology.
- Included in the main library search.
Stylus Trends Analysis
- Researches and analyses emerging consumer trends and turns them into actionable insights via reports, podcasts and webinars.
- Consumer lifestyle, product and engagement trends are categorised into spotlight, macro or design reports aimed at improving strategic thinking and creative innovation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Subculture Archives
- A database exploring 100 years of youth culture through the scenes, styles, and sounds that forged them. From rave, punk, rockabilly to grime.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Taylor & Francis
- Provides access to over 2,500 full-text journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Psychology Press and Informa Healthcare.
- Included in the main library search.
Taylor & Francis eBook Collection
- Provides access to over 400 eBooks published by the Taylor & Francis publishing group.
- Included in the main library search.
Teachers TV
- Acclaimed website created by the UK Department of Education providing instructional videos using actual classroom footage.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- Tes, formerly known as the Times Educational Supplement, is a weekly UK publication aimed at education professionals
- Tes supports the world’s teachers by helping educators find the tools and technology they need, supporting them throughout their career and professional development.
- NOT included in the main library search.
TDUK (Timber Development UK)
- TDUK provides resources and case studies on the use and specification of timber as a core building material.
- NOT included in the main library search.
The Times Digital Archive
- Access to back issues of The Times (London) newspaper online.
- One of the most highly regarded resources for the study of 18th century history and onward.
- Included in the main library search.
This Week programmes from 1956-1992
- Programme information about This Week, the first ITV current affairs series, which ran from January 1956 to December 1992.
- Includes information about the documentation which supports each programme.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Times Higher Education (THE)
- A leading source of sector intelligence, news and analysis for global higher education and studying in the UK and abroad.
- Content includes digital editions of Times Higher Education, news, opinion, features, jobs, events and university rankings.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive
- A complete online facsimile edition of every issue of one of the most comprehensive literary publications of the 20th century.
- This digital archive an essential resource for anyone studying, or supporting the study of, modern literature, humanities and culture.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- News, analysis and comment from the leading transport trade press, including a sophisticated documents library.
- Includes access to Local Transport Today, Parking Review and
- NOT included in the main library search.
TRID (Transportation Research Integrated Database)
- Books, technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, Environmental Impact Statements and theses in the field of transportation research.
- NOT included in the main library search.
TRILT (Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching)
- Descriptions of UK television and radio programmes, including terrestrial, cable, and satellite television; all national and many local radio stations.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Trip Pro
- Free medical database providing access to high quality clinical research evidence.
- Over 100,000 systematic reviews, medical images and videos, millions of full-text articles, along with advanced searching and compatibility with reference management software.
- NOT included in the main library search.
TV Times Project
- A unique searchable index to the London edition of the TVTimes, the listings magazine for ITV broadcasts.
- You can search for programmes, production staff and performers.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- UbuWeb is a freely accessible collection devoted to avant-garde art in a wide variety of formats - including audio, video, photography, texts, poetry and more.
- Created by volunteers, UbuWeb curates a revisionist version of art history; one that is based on artistic production rather than on the perceived, or market-based, centre of the art world.
- NOT included in the main library search.
UK Data Service
- This service provides access and support for an extensive range of key economic and social data, spanning many disciplines and themes.
- Included are a wide range of quantitative, qualitative, multi-media and non-digital data, and census data from 1971 to 2011.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- UKBORDERS provides access to digitised boundary datasets and geographic look-up tables corresponding to the geography of the UK.
- NOT included in the main library search.
UK Parliamentary Papers
- Includes over 200,000 House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to 2005, with supplementary material back to 1688.
- UKPP delivers page images and searchable full text for each paper, along with detailed indexing.
- NOT included in the main library search.
UWE Bristol Research Repository
- The UWE Bristol Research Repository provides immediate world-wide open access to all of UWE Bristol's research output.
- Included in the main library search.
Visible Body Suite
- A suite of online programs that cover anatomy, physiology, muscles, the skeleton, and the circulatory system through interactive 3D models, animations and more.
- Peel away structures and layers from head to toe, rotate anatomical models, and dive deep into both systemic and regional anatomy.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Vision of Britain
- Data on Britain between 1801-2001, including maps, statistical trends and historical descriptions.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Visual Arts Data Service
- An online resource for visual arts of over 100,000 images that are freely available and copyright cleared for use in teaching, learning and research in the UK.
- NOT included in the main library search.
- This is an e-book selected collection which you can browse, read on screen, or download.
- Titles we own are accessible via the library search as well as being searchable within the database.
- Included in the main library search.
vLex Justis
- An online legal research tool that allows you to find the key current legal authorities (case law, legislation) for a topic.
- NOT included in the main library search.
The Vogue Archive
- A complete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution colour page images.
- Every page, advertisement, cover and fold-out has been included, with rich indexing enabling you to find images by garment type, designer and brand names.
- Included in the main library search.
Weekly Law Reports via Westlaw UK
- WLR are published in four volumes.
- Includes cases heard in the House of Lords, Privy Council, Court of Appeal (Civil and Criminal Divisions), Queen's Bench Division, Chancery Division, Family Division, the Employment Appeal Tribunal, and also in the European Court of Justice.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Westlaw Edge UK
- Used extensively in legal practice, providing full-text access to current and historic UK, European Union and worldwide case reports and legislation.
- Includes access to the Legal Journals Index, some full text law journals, and many law electronic books.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Westlaw International
- Westlaw International is an additional resource to Westlaw Edge UK.
- The general subscription covers legal materials from non-UK English speaking jurisdictions such as the United States and Canada, Asian materials and international treaties.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Worth Global Style Network (WGSN)
- An online service offering research, trend analysis and news to the fashion, design and style industries.
- NOT included in the main library search.
WGSN Lifestyle & Interiors (Worth Global Style Network)
- WGSN Lifestyle & Interiors is a product design and development tool.
- Specialist trend intelligence to buyers, designers and retailers working in the design, lifestyle, and interiors industry.
- NOT included in the main library search.
White Book (Civil Procedure Rules), via Westlaw
- The definitive statement on civil procedure.
- Provides high quality commentary and expert opinion as well as links to primary sources referenced.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Wiley Anatomy Drill and Practice
- Interactive drag and drop exercises for various topics in physiology and anatomy.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Wiley Online Library
- Provides access to over 200 full text electronic journals published by Wiley.
- Covers a wide range of topic areas such as business, engineering medicine, science and psychology.
- Included in the main library search.
Woodfall: Landlord and Tenant, via Westlaw
- Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant is the definitive guide to all aspects of landlord and tenant law
- NOT included in the main library search.
World Advertising Research Center (WARC)
- This database contains information on the worldwide advertising and marketing industries.
- Includes case studies, full text journal articles, conference papers, news, statistics and information on best practice.
- Included in the main library search.
World Cinema Collection
- Films from award winning directors, including films from the silent era through the twentieth century, to contemporary films worldwide.
- Content is relevant to film studies students and to students engaged in multicultural studies, politics, history, literature and languages.
- Included in the main library search.
World Trade Organisation
- Full-text reports, research papers and statistics about trade and economic topics from the World Trade Organisation.
- NOT included in the main library search.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
- Provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration / policy.
- This indexing database provides article citations and abstracts, not full text.
- A major resource of information for human resources.
- Provides journal articles, case studies, model policies, legislation, statistics, news, commentary, surveys, and analysis.
- NOT included in the main library search.