PsycBooks (APA PsycBooks)

APA PsycBooks® is a full-text database that provides access to APA's 3,733 scholarly titles (55,598 chapters) within psychology and its sub-fields. It includes recently published APA content along with an expansive backfile that includes classic works dating back to the 17th century. Its relevance to the present day along with a comprehensive view of the past makes PsycBooks a crucial research tool for the behavioural sciences.

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  • More than 60% of the currently published books in this database are included in the main library search
  • Databases provided by UWE Bristol are for educational use only and should not be used for commercial corporate purposes or by unlicensed users

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Over 3,900 books dating back to the 17th century. Updated monthly.

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EBSCO/American Psychological Association