Information Security Toolkit
Top tips and advice to help safeguard you, others and the University against cyber threats.
Top tips
UWE Bristol IT systems are safe and secure, but you need to do your bit too!
Never share your passwords
Every password you use should be strong and completely unique. Never share your passwords with anyone, this includes your friends and family. The University will never email or call you to confirm your password.
Watch out for email scams
Always think before you click links, open attachments, or download files in emails you receive, regardless of who sent them. Fraudsters commonly impersonate shopping services, streaming services, social media, delivery companies, banks, and other large companies with clickbait like subjects.
Always use OneDrive to save your work
UWE Bristol provides you with access to OneDrive storage. Portable storage, such as hard disks and USB drives often fail and work can be lost. Local storage is also susceptible to ransomware attacks.
Report data breaches
If in doubt - shout! Report it to the IT Services Desk.
Clear your desk and screen
Always lock or log out of devices when leaving them unattended, even if it's just for a moment. Take any portable devices and sensitive notes with you to keep your information secure.
Install updates
To receive vital security and software updates that will help keep your devices and data safe, shut down or restart them regularly.
Read the Information Security Policies
To understand your responsibilities when using University devices, systems and handling data.
Lock away restricted or confidential information
Read the Information Handling Policy to understand the University's information classifications.
Dispose of data securely
Dispose of confidential waste securely (for example, confidential waste bin or shredder) and securely erase data before disposing of hardware (for example, computers and USB drives).
Also in the toolkit

Advice on strong passwords, keeping them secure and password managers.

Fraudulent communications
How to spot and avoid fraudulent communications (Phishing, Vishing and SmiShing).

Protect data and devices
Everyone must take steps to secure all their devices and data to reduce the risk of a data breach.

Report an incident or breach
Data breaches could affect individuals and harm UWE Bristol. Don't delay, report it today.

Information Security Policies
All UWE Bristol users must read and abide by the information security policies and regulations.

Data research security
UWE Bristol's expectations of researchers, in relation to the security of research data.
UWE Bristol is a Cyber Essentials certified organisation.
You may also be interested in

Saving work in OneDrive
How and where to save you work (OneDrive).

Data protection
UWE Bristol's privacy information including GDPR statement, Data Protection Impact Assessments, and privacy notices for staff, students and alumni.

UWE email
How to access your student email account at UWE Bristol.

Contact the IT Service Desk
How to contact and get help from IT Services at UWE Bristol.