Research projects
Details of projects undertaken within the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE).
We undertake challenge-led research that contributes to planning theory, policy and practice across the three inter-related themes.
Find out more about current and completed projects that fall under the three research themes within SPE:
- Healthy Places
- Sustainable and Resilient Places
- Smart Cities
Healthy Places
- Better access to urban greenspace
- Evidence review of the environmental, health and equity impacts of remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites
- Literature review on the impacts of infrastructure on quality of life
- Physical activity in different natural environments: Motivations, perceptions and wellbeing benefits
- The Art of Healing
- Behaviours and Neighbourhood Design (BAND): An investigation of walking as a social practice
- Community-led housing and health: A comprehensive literature review
- Development of Building with Nature: Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
- Economic evaluation of 'Fitter for Walking'
- ESRC Seminar Series "Reunited planning and health: Tackling the implementation gaps in evidence, governance and knowledge"
- Foodscapes
- Green infrastructure in the urban environment
- Green Infrastructure Innovation Fund
- GRIP2: Getting Research Into Practice
- Making the case for investment in the walking environment
- South Gloucestershire Council and healthy urban planning
- The walkability of Bristol: How this relates to physical activity, health and wellbeing
Sustainable and Resilient Places
- Understanding how to deliver biodiverse green roofs
- Post-pandemic working in rural Wiltshire
- Is there an afterlife for wind installations in Italy?
- Project Hindsight: Practitioners' perspective on DCO implementation
- The role of Local Planning Authorities in bringing forward brownfield land
- Improving the post-decision planning process to deliver better places in the West of England
- Affect and Place meaning in contested urban sites
- Assessing the potential for social learning in building sustainable communities
- Attractiveness of European regions and cities for residents and visitors (ATTREG)
- Availability of brownfield land for housing development in England
- Behaviour change and agriculture in urban society and environments (BeCAUSE)
- Bristol civic leadership project
- Bristol civic leadership prospects project
- Cemeteries and crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe
- Collective governance, innovation and creativity in the face of climate change (SELFCITY)
- Community involvement in decision making: Disclosure and access to information
- Cultural activism in the community: Creative practice, activism and place-identities
- Deathscapes and diversity: Making space for death and remembrance in multicultural England and Wales
- European Topic Centre - Spatial Information Analysis (ETC-SIA)
- INSPIRE: In situ processes in resource extraction from waste repositories
- Investigating a role for the arts in supporting relations of care in Rajasthan’s Traditional Water Infrastructures
- Planning enforcement England: At the crossroads
- Public sector innovation and local leadership in the UK and the Netherlands
- Small and medium-sized towns in functional territorial context (TOWN)
- State of the art review on adapting suburbs for climate change for RETROFIT 2050
- Towards hydrocitizenship
- Use classes order and permitted development rights Wales: A review
- 'We build our own homes': Practices of power and participation in a community land trust development
Smart Cities
- DECUMANUS - Geo-Spatial Adaptation of Urban Environmental Impacts (FP7 DG ENTR, European Commission, 2013-2016)
- European Topic Centre - Spatial Information Analysis (ETC-SIA) - (European Environment Agency, 2011-2014)
- SUNEX (Sustainable Urban FWE Nexus)
- urbanAPI - planning tools for integrated urban governance (FP7 DG INFSO, European Commission, 2011-2014)
- urban-NEXUS - Furthering Strategic Urban Research Coordination Action (FP7 DG Research, European Commission, 2011-2014)
- BOSS4GMES - Building Operational Sustainable Services for GMES (FP6 DG Research, European Commission, 2006-2009)
- GSE Land Information Services (European Space Agency, 2006–2008)
- Global Monitoring for Urban Europe (GMES) - (European Space Agency, 2003–2005)
- HUMBOLDT - Frameworks for Data Harmonisation and Service Integration (FP6 DG Research, European Commission, 2006-2010)
- IntelCities Integrated Project (FP6 DG Research, European Commission, 2004-2006)
- MUE25 Managing Urban Europe 25 (DG Environment, European Commission, 2005-2008)
Planning Theory, Policy and Practice
- Strategic planning in England 2024
- Development of Building with Nature: Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
- Evidence review of the environmental, health and equity impacts of remediation and redevelopment of contaminated sites
- GRIP2: Getting Research Into Practice
- Improving the post-decision planning process to deliver better places in the West of England
- Availability of brownfield land for housing development in England
- Cemeteries and crematoria as public spaces of belonging in Europe
- Deathscapes and diversity: Making space for death and remembrance in multicultural England and Wales
- ESRC Seminar Series "Reunited planning and Health: tackling the implementation gaps in evidence, governance and knowledge"
- Planning enforcement England: At the crossroads
- Small and medium-sized towns in functional territorial context (TOWN)
- South Gloucestershire Council and healthy urban planning
- Use classes order and permitted development rights Wales: A review
- Young planner’s expectations and motivations
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Members of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE).
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Research publications from the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE)
Research areas of the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE)
The inter-related research areas of SPE.
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