Economic evaluation of 'Fitter for Walking'

Project details

Full project title: Economic evaluation of 'Fitter for Walking'

Duration: October 2011-December 2011

Sponsor: Living Streets

Project leader for SPE: Dr Danielle Sinnett

Other UWE Bristol researchers:

Research partner/collaborator: University of Loughborough

Project summary

This study estimated the benefit to cost ratios (BCRs) of five improvements to the walking environment completed across England by Living Streets under their Fitter for Walking (FFW) programme.

The changes to the walking environment varied across the locations but included the removal of street clutter, graffiti, and barriers; new lighting, seating and litter bins; and improvements to kerbs, paths signage and maintenance. The local communities were involved in the projects through planting, clean-up events and led walks.

The overall evaluation of the programme was conducted by University of Loughborough. This evaluation provided pre- and post- intervention data on walking levels and pedestrian counts at the five locations. These data were used in the World Health Organisation Health Economic Assessment Tool for walking to estimate the change in mortality risk for the population between pre- and post- intervention and the resulting financial savings. This was used in conjunction with the cost of the intervention to estimate the BCR at each location.

Project contact

For further information, please contact Professor Jane Powell (

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