Featured Link
When and how to use Featured Links
Featured Links are quite self explanatory from their name - this component is used to highlight an important internal (or occasionally external) hyperlink on a page. This is often a subpage within the section, but sometimes we cross link between sections, for example the business pages about internships link through to the student-facing information about internships, and vice versa.
The component includes a wide image to draw the user's attention, as well as a wide block colour background for the text which you can change from teal to purple in the display settings.
You have the opportunity to add in a header and a few lines of body text to give the user some context around the link that you are featuring, this way they understand what they are clicking on. There is also a Call to Action button to encourage the user to click through.
These components are used often on landing pages as well as general subpages.
Featured Link example