Academic appeals
The academic appeal procedure enables students to raise concerns regarding potential irregularities in the assessment process, following the publication of results from an exam board, or the outcome of an assessment offence panel.
It is not a procedure for students to ask for a remark of an assessment if they don’t agree with the result. If you are unhappy with the mark you have been given for an assessment, you should seek further guidance from the marker or module leader to help understand the mark and feedback given. The University has a procedure known as ‘internal moderation’ which the module leader goes through to check the marking of a module is consistent across the cohort and with previous results. The marks and a sample of work are then considered by an ‘external examiner’, an academic in another university who is asked to approve the marking standard. Once these checks have taken place, the University can confirm the marks.
For more information about moderation, please see the Assessment Cycle video on our Assessment and Feedback Policy page.
If you have a grievance or concern that is not related to the publication of your academic results, please see complaints for further information.

About the appeals process
Information on eligibility for making an academic appeal.

Submitting an appeal
How to submit an appeal and the stages that will follow.
Two-stage academic appeal process
Submitting a Stage One appeal
Stage One of the appeal procedure involves consideration of the appeal by a member of the Student Casework Team. All individuals must complete Stage One before choosing to proceed to Stage Two.
Submitting a Stage Two appeal
Stage Two of the appeal procedure involves the consideration of the academic appeal by a University Appeal Panel and can only be undertaken once an outcome has been received at Stage One.
Case studies and evidence
Examples of successful and unsuccessful appeals with supporting evidence.
Case studies and evidenceYou may also be interested in

Annulment of exam board decision
Annulment of an examination board decision at UWE Bristol.

Helpful information and advice about assessments at UWE Bristol.