Showing 3817-3828 of 4315 results for 'CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO'.


New art exhibition questions how society values maternal work

Motherhood and how social reproductive work are valued in society is explored in a new online art exhibition.


Renowned video artist and UWE Bristol Visiting Professor launches exhibition of retrospective work

An exhibition featuring the work of UWE Bristol Visiting Professor Terry Flaxton, one of the UK’s leading video artists, launches in Bath on 6 October.

Family Names of the United Kingdom (FaNUK)'s talks, conference papers and publications - Family names

Family Names of the United Kingdom (FaNUK)'s talks, conferences papers and publications.

What is copyright? - Comply with copyright law

Introduction to copyright, including what is covered and how long it lasts.

Stay fit and healthy - Health and wellbeing

Support and advice for staying fit and healthy whilst studying.

Inspire:Me Lecture Series with Elias Williams - Inspire:Me series

Watch Elias Williams' talk for the Inspire:Me Lecture Series.

History resources - Resources for your subject

Specialist advice and websites for history students.

Bristol Bright Night - European Union projects

Find out more about Bristol Bright Night, and how it was a platform for academics across UWE Bristol and the University of Bristol, to come together to share their research with the public.

PsycArticles (APA PsycArticles) - Browse databases A-Z

A definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology.

Faith and spirituality - Health and wellbeing

Find out about places for prayer, worship and private reflection, connect with others and get pastoral advice.

Inspire:Me Lecture Series with Krystina Pearson-Rampeearee - Inspire:Me series

Watch Krystina Pearson-Rampeearee's talk for the Inspire:Me Lecture Series.

Showing 3817-3828 of 4315 results.