Research projects
This section provides an extensive overview of many of the major research and consultancy projects that AQMRC have led and contributed to, illustrating our capabilities and diverse interests.
European Union projects
The European Union funds projects that include collaborative research from member countries.
International projects
Air quality and carbon management are global concerns and many of our research projects consider these international issues.
Local authority projects
AQMRC works closely with many local authorities on all aspects of air quality and carbon management, at both a regional and local level.
Research Council projects
Projects funded by Research Councils including Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, and Research Councils UK.
UK projects
UK Government departments and other government agencies fund air quality research of national significance.
Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
The AQMRC is widely recognised by air quality and carbon management practitioners, nationally and internationally as a leading provider of information, advice, research and consultancy.
Research centres and groups
Browse UWE Bristol's portfolio of research areas, expertise, staff and publications.
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Publications from Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
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