European Union research projects
The AQMRC was part of the Management Committee on the EU Framework INTEGAIRE (Integrated Urban Governance and Air Quality Management in Europe) and has played a pivotal role in other key EU air quality and carbon management research projects.
Research projects
Quantify and assess the impact of ammonia emissions from intensive pig and poultry units on Natura 2000 sites in Ireland.
Bristol Bright Night
A platform for academics across UWE Bristol and the University of Bristol, to come together to share their research with the public.
ClairCity: citizen-led air pollution reduction in cities
Apportion air pollution emissions and concentrations, carbon footprints and health outcomes by city citizens' behaviour and day-to-day activities in order to make these challenges relevant to how people chose to live, behave and interact within their city environment.
EEA Framework contract
AQMRC supported the European Environment Agency (EEA) in an EEA Framework contract, and noise in relation to certain economic sectors.
Environmental Technologies iNet
This project assist Environmental Goods and Services businesses in the South West of England to innovate their products and services faster, improve their competitiveness and market awareness and develop new routes to market.
Environmental Technologies iNet extension
This project provided support to environmental small and medium sized enterprises, to help their businesses to innovate their products and services faster, improve their competitiveness and market awareness and develop new routes to market.
EU Air Quality Policies Framework contract
Find out more about the support that AQMRC has provided to the EU Air Quality Policies Framework contract.
European Union Air Quality Framework contract
AQMRC provided support to the European Commission for the review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and the related instruments on ambient air quality, and the National Emissions Ceiling Directive.
FCT Environment and Global Change Panel
The international panel reviewing proposals for funding submitted to the Environment and Global Change Panel of Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
Governance for Sustainability (G-FORS)
The team developed an innovative analytical model for the study of governance for sustainability, focusing on the synergy between new governance modes and different forms of knowledge, taking into account the rapid changes in the knowledge society.
INTEGAIRE (Integrated Urban Governance and Air Quality Management in Europe)
Find out more about the survey that was carried out on air quality management practice across Europe.
The REPLICATE project (REnaissance in PLaces with Innovative Citizenship And Technology) is a European research and development project aiming to deploy integrated energy, mobility and ICT solutions in city districts.
Science for Environmental Policy
The Science for Environmental Policy is a free news and information service published by Directorate-General Environment, European Commission.
Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
The AQMRC is widely recognised by air quality and carbon management practitioners, nationally and internationally as a leading provider of information, advice, research and consultancy.
Research centres and groups
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