Local authority research projects
The AQMRC’s Local Authority projects demonstrate our assistance with the challenges and opportunities faced by local government in implementing environmental management.
The AQMRC provides a range of comprehensive services in relation to the UK air quality review and assessment and air quality action planning. This includes the preparation of updating and screening assessments, detailed assessments, further assessments and progress reports. AQMRC also provides consultancy services and research relating to carbon management.
Research projects
Carbon management
An exploration of the low carbon futures for the Bristol region.
Emissions from a stone quarry
Assessment of Fugitive PM10 emissions from a stone quarry.
Future Bristol: Exploring public views on low carbon futures through art and digital media
This project seeks to understand how the public perceives, comprehends and engages with the notion of Bristol as a low carbon city in 2050.
Local Air Quality Management
Details on how the AQMRC has worked with and for local authorities throughout the UK to support them in their statutory Local Air Quality Management duties (ongoing since 2003).
Royal Parade air quality investigation and mitigation principles
The aim of the project was to better understand the air quality issues affecting the Royal Parade, in Plymouth, and establish options to reduce concentrations of NO2 and other traffic-related emissions.
Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
The AQMRC is widely recognised by air quality and carbon management practitioners, nationally and internationally as a leading provider of information, advice, research and consultancy.
Research centres and groups
Browse UWE Bristol's portfolio of research areas, expertise, staff and publications.
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Research projects
An extensive overview of many of the major research and consultancy projects that AQMRC have led and contributed to, illustrating our capabilities and diverse interests.
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Publications from Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
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