Support for recent or past sexual trauma

Our Anti-Sexual Violence Service can support you if you’ve experienced sexual trauma of any kind, either recently or in the past.

The first thing to remember – if something sexual has been done to you without your consent, it is sexual violence – and it is not your fault. You are not to blame for any sexual harassment or violence you were subjected to.

Whatever you are feeling right now, it is normal. There is no right or wrong way to feel or respond.

What the service provides

UWE Bristol's Anti-Sexual Violence Service provides a non-judgemental, inclusive and confidential safe space for you to seek support if you have experienced sexual trauma of any kind, even if you don’t want to report something.

It’s an appointment-based service offering face-to-face, telephone or video call appointments from every campus.

We offer all students who self-refer an initial assessment . From this, students can be offered one, three or six appointments based on need.

Contacting the service

How to contact the Anti-Sexual Violence Service

  • You can refer yourself directly online.
  • UWE Bristol staff and other professionals can support you in filling out the self-referral form.

This is not a crisis service. When you refer to the service, you will be contacted within five working days to organise a time to meet that works for you. 


What to do if you can’t wait for a referral

If you are worried or concerned about yourself or another student, take a look at information about wellbeing, emergency and crisis support. You can also contact a 24-hour confidential helpline for support in non-emergency situations.

How the service can support you

The service will provide information about the criminal justice process if you’re considering reporting, and will help you make informed choices about what is right for you. 

We’ll explain the University’s policies and procedures relating to sexual misconduct and give you information about your rights if you’re considering reporting internally.

With your consent, we’ll help you liaise with internal and external services, including sexual and mental health support, and make appropriate referrals so that you receive as much support as you feel you need. We can also help with arranging accommodation, financial and academic support. 

Watch our video to find out more about the support we offer: Meet MJ UWE Bristol's Anti-sexual violence advisor.

It’s important to note that this not a counselling service. Please refer to the wellbeing service if counselling is something you would like to access.

Anti-Sexual-Violence Service advisor MJ.

"I’m MJ Andarcia-Bravo, UWE Bristol's Anti-Sexual Violence Advisor. I was an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) prior to joining UWE Bristol. I’m victim/survivor-led, which means I’m here to listen and help you decide what you want to do. I will never pressure you to take any decision. "

MJ Andarcia-Bravo, Anti-Sexual Violence Advisor, UWE Bristol

MJ Andarcia-Bravo Anti-Sexual Violence Advisor, UWE Bristol


The Anti-Sexual Violence Service is confidential and everything you tell MJ will be kept within the session, unless you give her explicit consent to share information with another agency or individual. 

There are some instances in which the Anti-Sexual Violence Advisor (ASVA) may need to break this confidentially, even without your consent. These instances include if you disclose information that leads the ASVA to believe that you or someone else may be at risk of harm. You will always be kept informed if confidential information needs to be passed on.

UWE Bristol Policies


If there’s an emergency on campus, please call 44 (0)117 32 89999 so that our staff can liaise with emergency services and direct them to the correct location.

You can contact Campus Security on +44 (0)117 32 86404.

If the emergency is off campus, please call 999.

You can call the 24/7 NHS Mental Health Crisis Response Line on +44 0800 012 6549.

Wellbeing, emergency and crisis information

External support services

The Bridge

The Bridge is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). The Bridge offer medical care, emotional and psychological support and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.


Support for LGBT+ victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, honour-based abuse, forced marriage or so-called conversion therapies. Galop provides advocacy and casework support as well.

The Greenhouse

Support for those affected by sexual abuse and rape. Help to improve mental health, wellbeing and resilience through professional therapy.

Next Link

Specialist domestic abuse and honour-based violence support for women, men, children and young people from all communities.

Safe Link

Support for anyone who has been the victim of rape or sexual abuse. Safe Link provides Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Support among other services.


Support, including counselling, for anyone who has been affected by rape and sexual abuse at any time in their life.

Survivors UK

Support for boys, men and non-binary people aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence at any times in their lives.

Survivors Pathway

The Survivor Pathway is an online resource for anyone wanting to know more about specialist sexual violence support services in the South West.

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