Specialist study skills support
Specialist study skills support for students with SpLDs.
It is helpful for students with neurodivergence to understand their unique ways of learning to meet their academic work priorities and to thrive at university and in the workplace.
Working with a specialist study skills tutor can provide a safe space to explore how you process information, and what your learning needs and strengths are.
What happens in a specialist study session?
Working with a specialist study skills tutor can enable you to develop effective, transferable study skills and strategies by exploring and using your strengths, needs and learning preferences.
The specialist tutors may help you to:
- understand how you learn best
- explore any barriers to effective engagement in your studies
- set goals and plan effectively
- read efficiently and effectively
- develop useful note-taking strategies
- use relevant apps and software to become more independent
- develop memory techniques
- manage time effectively
- develop skills in planning and organising ideas for assignments or presentations
- develop academic writing skills, including strategies for independent proofreading and editing
- manage how to engage in lectures and seminars
- prepare for exams and presentations
- prepare for the workplace, discuss reasonable adjustments and ways of communicating your needs
- explore other study support resources.
The specialist study skills support is not subject-specific and does not include a proofreading or editing service. It is important that student authorship is maintained – if the specialist tutor identifies any errors in a written script it is the student’s responsibility to make any corrections they feel necessary.
How will a specialist study skills tutor work with you?
A specialist tutor may:
- explore with you any barriers to learning and the impact of your neurodivergent profile
- work with your individual strengths, needs and learning preferences
- identify areas for development and growth
- enable you to develop effective transferable skills, capability and learning strategies
- collaborate with you using a tailored approach to create solution-focused outcomes
- enhance your confidence and resilience
- enable you to build independence and fully engage in your studies.
Specialist study skills support is primarily provided for students with neurodivergent profiles, including those identified with a specific learning difference (SpLD) such as:
- dyslexia
- dyspraxia
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- and those on the autistic spectrum.
Read more of Avril's story"The dyslexia learning support I have received has been outstanding, building my self-confidence and teaching me strategies to address my weaknesses."
Avril Adult Nursing
Adult Nursing graduate Avril always wanted to care for people, but had few qualifications. During her time at UWE Bristol, she not only gained her qualifications but also so much self-confidence that she became a Peer Assisted Leader (PAL).
“It was with some trepidation that I joined the Adult Nursing course - the most daunting challenge of my life.
"[With dyslexia-learning support] I improved to such an extent that I volunteered to be a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Leader and loved every minute of interacting with students in the year below and encouraging them to believe in their own abilities.”
With the self-assurance she gained, Avril transferred from the diploma to the degree course.
“The greatest achievement of my life”.
How do I book?
You may be able to access this support via Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA). If not, UWE Bristol can provide this support.
Please contact the ALS team if you want more information about this support or how to access it.
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