The Access and Learning Strategies team

The Access and Learning Strategies (ALS) team are specialist practitioners in neurodivergence and mental health, working as part of the library's Learning Hub

We offer a range of services including groups, workshops, drop-ins and one-to-one support, along with neurodiversity screening.

Who we support

You might be curious about neurodiversity, think you may have traits of specific learning differences or autism, or feel that your studies are being affected by mental health. A formal diagnosis is not needed to access ALS resources and support.

Neurodivergent students

Everyone thinks and learns differently. The diversity of human thinking should be celebrated! Neurodiversity comes from the words neurology and diversity. People’s brains are different, so people experience and interact with the world in different ways.

The term neurodivergent means thinking and experiencing the world differently from the 'average' or 'neurotypical' person.

Watch a video on What is neurodiversity?

ALS events

If you have attended one of our events and would like to leave us some feedback, please complete this short feedback form.

ALS events

View all our events

What support do we offer?

We offer workshops, groups, drop-ins, one-to-one study support sessions and online resources.

We aim to meet your individual needs by building your confidence, capability and understanding of how you learn best.


We offer in person and online workshops on topics such as quick wins for studying with neurodiversity and reading strategies and technologies.


We offer regular drop-in sessions at our campus libraries. You don’t need to book, just drop-in with your study-related question and a specialist practitioner will help or signpost you to further resources. View drop in sessions (UWE Bristol login required).

Specialist study skills support

We offer online and in-person one-to-one, specialist study support for neurodivergent students.

Specialist mentoring

We offer online and in-person one-to-one, specialist mentoring for neurodivergent students and students with mental health needs.

Resource space

You can access our set of workshop materials and other useful resources on our online resource space (UWE Bristol login required).

Monthly newsletter

View our monthly newsletter to keep up to date with our upcoming events, topics on neurodiversity or mental health, and learn about free apps or tech solutions to help with studies.

ADHD group

Do you have a diagnosis of ADHD or have you attended a neurodiversity screening at UWE Bristol and have attention difficulties? Would you like to:

  • understand a diagnosis of ADHD better?
  • find and use your strengths to engage in study?
  • explore new strategies, behaviours and study skills?
  • try something new and meet like-minded peers?

Book an online ADHD workshop through the events above or find out about our ADHD psychoeducational programme.

Autism Support group

If you identify as autistic, you may like to join our group for autistic students.

The group at Frenchay and Bower Ashton campus sites offers a safe place to meet other students where you are free to be yourself. The group is facilitated by specialist mentors with invited speakers to support your student journey.

You can book your space in advance through the events above.

For further information please email the Autism Support group at

Additional support

Library services for disabled users

Services to support disabled students are available at all UWE Bristol campus libraries. This includes help with assistive technology, alternative formats and assistance using library spaces and resources.

Wellbeing service

Get the support you need for your mental health and personal development. From counselling to mental health support, self-help resources and more.

Neurodiversity screening and assessment

If you already have evidence

If you have evidence, please email it to We can check through your evidence and advise on your next steps. Your evidence could be:

  • You received study support and/or exam adjustments in school/college e.g. extra time in exams 
  • A previous screening or diagnostic assessment
  • You are on a waiting list for an autism or ADHD assessment with the NHS

If you do not have evidence but want to access similar adjustments that you previously received, please complete our questionnaire, which is your first step in our screening process.

Curious about neurodiversity guide

Access the Curious about neurodiversity guide

The Curious about neurodiversity guide contains information about specific learning differences, such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia, ADHD and autism.

It will help you explore your strengths and any traits of neurodivergence. It also contains information about resources and support available at UWE Bristol.

If you are finding study difficult, the guide will direct you to a neurodiversity screening where you can explore signs of SpLD or signs of autism.

Assessment for specific learning differences

A formal diagnosis is not necessary to access ALS resources and support. However, a diagnostic assessment for SpLD might be right for you if you are looking to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSA) or your evidence has been rejected for DSA. Please email us at to enquire about an assessment.

If you’ve not been previously assessed, one option may be to consider having a diagnostic assessment. 

We can help you explore this and your first step is to use our Curious about Neurodiversity guide.

Assessment for ADHD or autism

If you are experiencing difficulties which might be due to ADHD or autism, please talk to your doctor for advice. A medical diagnosis is required for you to get prescription medication for ADHD.

If you are on an NHS waiting list for an ADHD or Autism assessment, please email any evidence to the Access and Learning Strategies team at We will provide you with information on further support, adjustments and resources available to you.

You may find it useful to visit the following websites for more information:



Useful resources

Contact us

The ALS administration team office hours are Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00.

To book a Signs of SpLD/ADHD/Autism screening:

For general ALS enquires:

For quick replies or to book specialist study skills/mentoring:

  • Tel: +44 (0)117 32 83589 (same day call back for voicemail messages, where possible) 
  • Attend a drop-in to talk to an ALS practitioner 



Live chat

We are here between 12:00–14:00 Monday to Friday. Chat to us live:

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