Certificates for graduating students

Information for graduating students on receiving award certificates and certificates of credit. 

What you get when you graduate

On achievement of your award and following publication of results, you will be sent the following two documents to your home address, not your term-time address (please note both documents are sent together):

  • An award certificate, which confirms your classification and date of award.
  • certificate of credit, which lists all modules completed, marks and credit achieved at UWE Bristol. This is sometimes known as a transcript in other institutions. The certificate of credit does not contain your award title or classification. If you need a single document with both your award and module marks, it is recommended that you use the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).

For more detailed information on award certificates and certificates of credit refer to the Certificate and Transcript Policy.

View the information on other types of certificates and reports available to students.


In addition to physical award documentation, eCertificates will be published for eligible graduates on our UWE Bristol Secure Documents Portal.

Accepting an interim award

Award certificates and certificates of credit for interim awards (eg Certificate of Higher Education, Diploma of Higher Education) are the same as above.

If you wish to claim an interim award once you are eligible, you should contact the relevant Student and Programme Support team.

Current students should refer to the information on how to suspend, transfer or withdraw from your studies.

Certificate details

The University cannot provide additional copies of certificates once they have been posted. Please refer to the Certificate and Transcript Policy.

However, UWE Bristol provides students with a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) which can be downloaded from MYUWE. The HEAR can be used in lieu of an award certificate or certificate of credit while you are waiting for your award certificates to arrive.

See other types of certificates for more information.

The name which you held when you completed your degree will be the name on your award certificate, which is based on the name in your passport. You can see your certificate name in MYUWE in Your info.

At UWE Bristol, students are registered under their given name(s) and their family name. In the UK, the name on the certificate will always be given name(s) first followed by the family name eg:

  • Given name: John
  • Middle name: Henry
  • Family name: Doe
  • Registered name: John Henry Doe
  • Certificate name: John Henry Doe

Once a student has been through the award procedure the name on their certificate cannot be changed because the formal conferment record will hold the name as it appears on the records, and if changed could lead to the certificate being unverifiable.

The only retrospective changes that can be made are where an administrative error has occurred or where the University is required to make a retrospective change under the provisions of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and Equality Act 2010.

If you have changed your name following completion of your course of study (for example, through marriage or by Deed Poll), and wish to demonstrate to a prospective employer or education institution that your degree certificate or confirmation letter belongs to you, you will need to provide your own supporting documentation showing the name change.

If your name is incorrect, please contact an Information Point with a copy of your passport or birth certificate. If the name can be changed, you will be asked to return your original certificates.

Please note: Where it has been more than 12 months since completion of your award, the standard charge of £50 for a replacement award certificate and £20 for a replacement certificate of credit will apply. Please refer to the replacement certificates information.

It is a university policy not to release the overall mark to students. This is because the mark calculated is based on individual elements and weightings. Any decisions made by the Award Board are final and, therefore, only the classification is released.

Vertification letter

If the HEAR is no longer available on MYUWE and you still have not received your certificate, we are able to produce a verification letter which confirms your award.

Turnaround times during peak periods (May to August) can be up to ten days, so by the time a letter is produced your certificates may have arrived.

See other types of certificates for more information on verification letters.

Receiving your certificate

Delivery details

Award Certificates and Certificates of Credit are posted to your home address (not term-time address).

If your home address is incorrect in MYUWE, it must be amended before results are published (view all results publication dates).

If you are unable to amend your home address in MYUWE, see our MYUWE address guidance.

Certificates for international partners are sent to the partner institution.

Certificates are sent standard delivery following publication of results. Students with international addresses will be contacted via email to confirm the address.

Replacement certificates and duplicate certificates of credit are sent by Royal Mail Delivery (UK mainland) or International Standard Royal Mail (outside the UK).

We are able to send certificates via DHL. Students will need to pay for and organise this themselves.

If you are concerned about the delivery of your certificate, we recommend you arrange for collection or provide us with an alternative address.

Obtaining a sealed copy of your award certificate and certificate of credit

From time to time, employers, sponsors or other bodies require original certificates to be sent directly to them. For Example World Education Services (WES), LPQB, ICES.

In the first instance the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) should be used. However, if this is not sufficient for your employer/sponsor we can send a certificate of credit and verification letter in a stamped sealed envelope. This can be ordered via the duplicate certificate of credit page.


For certificate queries not covered by the above, please complete our Self help form.

You will need to re-activate your InfoHub account to login and access the form. You can do this by selecting the ‘Graduate’ option on the InfoHub login page, clicking ‘Reset Your Password’ and inputting your personal email address previously registered with UWE Bristol to receive the password reset email.

If you cannot access InfoHub or don’t remember your personal email, please visit the lost account link, click on the relevant option and then complete the lost account form.


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