Exam guidance
Our guidance on what to expect in your exam.
Exam format
Exams at UWE Bristol may take a variety of formats. Please see your module specification for details.
Exams on campus
Your timetable will provide you with the location of your examination. It is important that you attend the specific room you have been assigned to as the invigilator will have your space and the correct arrangements in place.
Timings of an exam can be found on your personal timetable.
When to get to the venue
You should arrive at least 20 minutes before the start time. You will need a parking permit or valid disabled parking permit to park on campus.
Your exam may be in a room in a part of the campus you haven't been to before.
Please go to the room specified on your exam timetable.
Late arrival
You’ll be allowed to enter the exam room up to 30 minutes after the official exam start time. Once those 30 minutes have passed, you can't enter under any circumstances.
What to bring
Remember your student ID card
You must bring your UWE Bristol student ID card to every exam.
If your student ID card is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the security office (1E20, Frenchay Campus) or call +44(0)117 32 82866. You can get a replacement card through the online store.
Items allowed during your exam
You're allowed to bring:
- pens, pencils, rulers and erasers – but they must be stored in clear pencil cases or transparent bags
- any other specific items required for the exam, such as a university-approved calculator (see below)
- any approved material specified by the Module Leader
- still drinks in a clear, unlabelled plastic bottle – with a closable top and without writing or logos
- small amounts of food, as long as it’s not noisy or distracting.
Extra materials
Please check the permitted extra materials for your exam and bring them with you, as the invigilator will not have any spares.
University-approved calculators
If your exam allows you to use a calculator, it must be a non-programmable one without an alpha numeric keyboard. You can't use the calculator on your mobile phone (which must be switched off).
Remember that you can’t borrow, lend or share calculators with anyone.
Coats and bags
- Please leave any coats, bags and similar items in the areas indicated by the invigilators.
- We advise you to keep belongings to a minimum and not to bring any valuables with you. UWE Bristol isn’t responsible for any items lost or stolen from venues.
- Please dress comfortably, as temperatures in exam rooms can fluctuate. We recommend you wear layers which can be removed or added depending on the temperature.
Items not allowed
You can't bring any of the following:
- noisy food or drinks
- manuscripts or books (unless specified by your exam question paper)
- music players or other electronic devices
- personal computers
- any other aids not specifically allowed by the question paper
- non-clear pencil cases.
Mobile phones
- You must power off your mobile phone.
- You must disable any alarms on your phone or smart watch.
- You must leave your phone/smart watch in your bag or, if you don’t have a bag, face down on your desk.
Before you start
You'll need to wait outside the exam room until an invigilator tells you to enter. Once you enter, you’ll be under exam conditions until you've finished your exam and left the room. This means:
- you must leave your bag where the invigilator tells you to
- you can only bring authorised items to your desk
- you can't communicate with other candidates
- you can't leave the exam room unaccompanied
- the invigilator will tell you when to start and end your exam
- you can't read the question paper or write anything until told to do so.
During the exam
Please listen to the instructions the invigilators give you. If you have any queries you should raise your hand and an invigilator will come to you.
Invigilators can't interpret words or questions on the paper. If you think there is an error on a paper, notify an invigilator as soon as you can.
How to fill in your answer book correctly
- When instructed, please use block capitals to fill in your module title, module code, date and student number on your exam answer booklet. You can view the module title and module code on the first page of your exam question paper.
- Complete and then detach the signature slip on the right-hand side of your exam answer booklet and place it at the front of your desk so that it can be collected by an invigilator.
- Write your student number on each additional exam answer booklet.
- Leave your UWE Bristol ID card on your desk at all times.
- All rough work must be done on the stationery provided. You aren't permitted to take any answer books or exam stationery from the room. All your answer books should be tagged together with the treasury tag provided.
Assessment offences
The University has an Academic Conduct Policy and Academic Misconduct Procedures (PDF) which it will use to investigate any allegations of cheating.
If you become aware of other students that may be cheating in the exam room, please tell an invigilator immediately.
Leaving the room during your exam
It may not be possible for you to leave the room in the first or last 30 minutes of your exam.
If you need to use the toilet, or leave the room, during your exam you’ll be escorted by an invigilator. You may be asked to empty your pockets and you may have to wait until an invigilator is free.
Illness during an exam
If you’re ill during an exam, please raise your hand and make yourself known to the Invigilator so that they can assist you. If you leave the exam and are unable to return, please contact a Student Support Adviser as soon as you can.
In case of emergency
If there's an emergency evacuation you must follow the invigilators’ instructions. They will tell you how to safely leave the building.
You remain subject to exam procedures during the evacuation and shouldn't discuss the exam.
You should follow the invigilators to the designated assembly area and follow their instructions on resumption of the exam.
After the exam
When you've finished
- If you've completed your exam and wish to leave early (before the last 30 minutes) you must raise your hand and the invigilator will collect your script.
- You must stop writing when instructed to do so at the end of an examination.
- You must remain seated and silent until all scripts have been collected and counted and the Invigilator has confirmed you may leave.
- If you leave without an invigilator's permission, you’ll be deemed to have withdrawn from the exam and won't be allowed to re-enter the exam room.
- You must hand in all rough work. You can only keep exam papers if indicated on the rubric.
- Please don't disturb other candidates when leaving.
- You won't be allowed to re-enter once you leave the exam room.
Online assessments
What to expect
If the location on your exam timetable shows ‘online’, you can sit your online assessment in any location where you can get onto a computer. You can use the room booking facility to book a room on campus or book a library space.
If the location on your exam timetable is a room, your online exam will take place in this room.
The standard start time for the majority of online assessments is 09:30, but please check your exam timetable.
If your exam is scheduled over a 24-hour period, the intention is not that you work for 24 hours. Please read the Exam Paper carefully for guidance or instructions relating to a suggested duration or word count.
Where you have a 24-hour period for your exam, as long as you upload your work by the end of the 24-hour period, you are free to work on your assessment at any time during the 24-hour period.
Important: please do not upload at the very last minute – save some time in case you have an IT or other issue. The submission time is recorded as when the upload is completed, rather than when it starts.
24 hour online assessments FAQs
Can I use paper to complete my assessment rather than complete it online?
Where the technology for the online assessment will allow, you might be able to complete your assessment on paper and then upload a photograph of your answers. Please discuss this with your module leader and/or Disability Service.
Will my module leader be available for queries during the online exam?
Module leaders have been asked to be available for the first hour of the assessment. For 24-hour exams, you should log in at the start so that you can check what you need to do and ask any questions that you need to.
I normally use a scribe or reader in my exams. What are my options for online assessments?
You can explore assistive software such as text to speech software to replace a reader and voice dictation software to replace a scribe. Please contact Disability Service or Access and Learning Strategies (ALS) if you need advice around this.
Why can’t I get my extra time reasonable adjustment for the 24 hour online assessment?
Because a large time window is provided in which to complete the assessment; this is an inclusive measure and it removes the requirement for extra time.
If you are a disabled student and you have concerns about being able to access the assessment, please liaise with Disability Service who will explore with the academic team whether there is an appropriate alternative assessment.
Find out your exam results
Your results will be available in MYUWE after the results publication dates. If your exam takes place outside of a standard assessment period, your result should be released within four weeks of the exam.
Please note: You'll be given unconfirmed marks in MYUWE as soon as they're available, but these unconfirmed marks are subject to moderation and may go up or down. We'll confirm your final mark on the official results publication date.
Preparing for exams
Exams can be a stressful time. A range of wellbeing support options are available, including workshops that can teach you how to approach revision and exams so that you can get the right balance between looking after yourself and studying.
Contact us
If your question isn’t answered by any of the above, please complete our exam self-help form (InfoHub login required).
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