Marks and feedback

Key information about pass marks, how credits are awarded and receiving feedback.

Pass marks for modules

You can find out more about pass marks for modules in our module information guide.

What is the pass mark for a module?

Receiving your marks

All of your coursework and exam marks are published in MYUWE (login required).

Unconfirmed marks will be released to students via MYUWE as soon as they are available. Please note that unconfirmed marks are subject to moderation by the Examination Board, so they may still go up or down. For this reason, please do not contact your module leader about unconfirmed exam marks that have been individually released in MYUWE.

Your unconfirmed marks should also normally be included on your work when it is returned to you.

The final agreed mark will be confirmed to you on the official publication date once the Examination Board process is complete.

Your marks will be recorded in the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR), which is an electronic report that records your academic achievements.

If you think your mark has been recorded incorrectly, you should immediately draw this to the attention of your Student and Programme Support Team by completing a Get help form and produce the piece of work which you believe shows the correct mark.

If you have concerns about your modules you can speak to your Personal Tutor, a Student Support Adviser, or Student Representative (rep). Normally Student Reps only get involved with issues which affect more than a couple of students, so if you have an individual issue, you should still contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre or a Student Support Adviser.

You can see who your Student Reps are in Blackboard. It will display all the Reps within your programme and it will also place a * next to Reps who you share modules with.

Receiving feedback

All students have a minimum entitlement to assessment feedback on their assessed work. Normally you should get marks and feedback within 20 working days following the deadline for submission of the assessment, or following the end of the 48-hour late submission window (if this was available for that assessment). This period exclude University closure days and may be shorter or longer for some forms of assessment.

Where the period is greater than 20 working days, you will be informed of the deadline and the reason.

Make sure you find out the specific arrangements for the return of your marked work.

What if I am given an adjusted deadline?

If you are eligible for reasonable adjustments and you have used the 7 day reasonable adjustment period, the period for providing feedback and an outcome will be an additional 7 days to the 20 working days for academic staff to provide your feedback.

If you have chosen to hand in your work during the 48-hour late submission window, the period for providing feedback will be 20 working days following the end of the 48-hour late submission window.

Once ready, your mark will be available in your MYUWE account, but you may see a non-submission (‘NS’) until this time.

How to use your assessment feedback

Find out more about how to make the most of your assessment feedback, including types of feedback and what to do next.

How to use your assessment feedback

How credits are awarded

Credits are gained when modules are successfully completed. At UWE Bristol, modules are normally given values between five and 60 credits.

The number of credits assigned to a module is based on learning hours, ie the number of hours which it is expected that students will spend, on average, achieving the learning outcomes. One credit usually equals ten notional hours of study.

You become eligible for an award when you achieve sufficient credit in the required modules. Sometimes ‘module credits’ are described as being like a currency which can be accumulated and then ‘cashed in’ or exchanged when you accept an award (for example an honours or a master's degree).

You can find out more about credits and how they work in the degree classification section.

Recognising prior learning

If you have undertaken prior learning which is relevant to your modules or award, you may be able to apply for it to be recognised under the Accreditation of Prior Learning or Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning processes.