Reference requests

How to request a reference

We provide academic references and verification of student achievements.

Current students or former student (within the last five years)

Please see academic status letters which are currently available to you for employers

Verification/reference for employment

Please provide your employer with the contact details for the student and programme support team (SPS) for your school. You will also need to email SPS to give your consent for your information to go directly to the employer.

When SPS receive the employer's request, the team will provide the course title, course date and outcome directly. For Nursing or Education graduates, we provide a reference in the required format.

Academic reference for further study: If you go on to further study, your education provider might need an academic reference. If you are finishing your studies at UWE Bristol or are a graduate that has achieved an award in the last five years, you can contact your personal tutor or an academic that knows you well. You can check contact details in the UWE Bristol telephone directory.

Former student (over five years since leaving UWE Bristol)

Please provide your employer with the contact details for the student and programme support team (SPS) for your school. You will also need to email SPS to give your consent for your information to go directly to the employer.

When they receive the employer's request, the team will provide the course title, course date and outcome directly. For Nursing or Education graduates, we provide a reference in the required format.


The University’s student and programme support team (SPS) for your school are responsible for dealing with verifications/academic references.

Due to data protection, SPS cannot respond until a consent form has been received, with the student’s printed name and signature, which authorises us to release the requested information. Please note that typed signatures are not valid. Alternatively, the student can send us an email direct, giving their consent to the Student and Programme Support team.

Alternatively if the candidate was or is employed by UWE Bristol please email People and Organisation Development Team at with the following required information:

  • full name of student
  • date of birth
  • name of award
  • dates of attendance/completion
  • written consent from the student (students are able to email an Information Point direct providing their consent).

Please note that due to the number of verification requests received we do not normally complete forms sent to us as email attachments.

You will receive an email confirming the student's:

  • attendance dates
  • degree
  • grade achieved
  • conferment date.

We will not be able to provide a verification if:

  • we do not have written consent from the student
  • the student is in debt to the University.


Verification and academic references can take up to 28 working days. If you do not receive a response within this time, contact the tutor or SPS team again.

Debt notice

We will not be able to provide any documentation to the student or to a third party if the student is in debt to the University.

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