Showing 457-468 of 5742 results for 'it'.

Computers on campus - Study spaces

Information about UWE Bristol's computer rooms, loanable laptops, and guidance on how students can book computers.


Science Communication Seminar

Dr Chris Skinner - The SeriousGeoGames Lab – Immersive Storytelling and Earth Arcades

Learning and teaching terminology - Academic information

Key terms used around learning, teaching and assessment methods across the University.

Evaluating The Active Way - Travel behaviour and the mobility experience

Evaluating The Active Way project for Bath and North East Somerset Council from the Centre for Transport and Society (CTS), UWE Bristol.

Suspending your studies - Suspend transfer or withdraw

What you need to do to request a suspension of studies at UWE Bristol.

Sharing research data - Research data security

UWE Bristol's expectations of researchers, in relation to the sharing of research data.

REPLICATE - European Union projects

The REPLICATE project (REnaissance in PLaces with Innovative Citizenship And Technology) is a European research and development project aiming to deploy integrated energy, mobility and ICT solutions in city districts.

RoboTIPS Responsible Robots for the Digital Economy - Projects

RoboTIPS focuses on social robots with the intention to transform these robots to become more responsible technologies.

Socio-psychological aspects in the dynamics of travellers' mode choice behaviour - Travel behaviour and the mobility experience

Learn more about the 'socio-psychological aspects in mode choice behaviour' project from the Centre for Transport and Society at UWE Bristol.


Research to assess possibility of producing healthcare products like PPE at point of need

Medics attending an humanitarian crisis could be a step closer to manufacturing personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical healthcare products.


Attenborough film involving UWE Bristol graduate is most watched on Apple TV+

A nature programme by a former UWE Bristol student has become the most watched documentary on Apple TV+.

Showing 457-468 of 5742 results.