Committees and groups
The Board of Governors delegates responsibility to a number of sub-committees and groups. The Board' has an approved Scheme of Delegation (PDF).
Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee
The Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee is responsible to the Board of Governors for the strategy and scope of audit activity. It receives reports from internal and external auditors and takes non-executive action where required. The Committee also monitors and examines the University risk management control processes and the arrangements for promotion of economy, efficiency and effectiveness on behalf of the Board.
Officer: Clerk to the Governors or nominee
Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee terms of reference (PDF)
Clerk's business planning meeting
Clerk's business planning meetings are not formal meetings of the Board of Governors but are held at the start of each term so that Committee Chairs can review the plan of business and coordinate roles where items fall within the remit of more than one committee, eg approval of the University’s Financial statements are discussed in the Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee and Finance Estates and IT Committee as well as the Board of Governors.
They also ensure that Committee Chairs are appropriately briefed on emerging University or Sector priorities which may arise in forthcoming meetings.
Officer: Clerk to the Governors or nominee
Emergency Committee
The Emergency Committee has delegated powers, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor and between meetings of the Board of Governors or its committees, to consider any business not explicitly reserved by the Articles of Government for Board of Governors consideration.
These powers are to be exercised between meetings of the Board of Governors or its committees only where the Chair of the Board of Governors and the Vice-Chancellor agree that the matter is urgent and to delay a decision until the next meeting would be contrary to the best interests of the University, and subject always to report at the next Board of Governors or appropriate committee meeting.
Finance, Estates and IT Committee
The Finance, Estates and IT Committee is responsible to the Board of Governors for the determination of finance, estates, IT and related strategies and policies; and the non-executive oversight and monitoring of the strategic management of the University’s finances and physical resources to support the strategic and academic plans.
Officer: Clerk to Board of Governors or nominee
Nominations and Governance Committee
The Nominations and Governance Committee is responsible to the Board of Governors for the oversight of corporate governance arrangements to ensure that the University is pursuing best practice. It is responsible for identifying and recommending the appointment of new Governors to the Board and for the nomination of Governors and co-opted members for appointment to Committees.
Officer: Clerk to the Governors of Nominee
Nominations and Governance Committee terms of reference (PDF)
People, Culture, Quality and Standards Committee
To provide strategic oversight for the development of the University’s culture, the diversity, engagement and wellbeing of its people, and the quality of the University’s academic provision.
People, Culture, Quality and Standards Committee terms of reference (PDF)
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee is responsible to the Board of Governors for setting a framework for the pay and conditions of all staff and the appointment, assignment, grading, appraisal, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of holders of senior posts. The Remuneration Committee also has oversight of developments regarding the Vice-Chancellor’s senior team, the Vice-Chancellor’s direct line reports and the Pro Vice-Chancellors.
Officer: Clerk to the Governors or Nominee
- Remuneration Committee terms of reference (PDF)
- Renumeration Committee Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF)
- Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2022-23 (PDF)
- Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2021-22 (PDF)
- Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF)
- Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF)
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