Showing 3745-3756 of 4311 results for 'CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO'.

BNF for children - Browse databases A-Z

Up-to-date information on prescribing, dispensing, and administering medicine for children.

School of Social Sciences Athena Swan - Athena Swan

The School of Social Sciences holds an Athena Swan Silver Award, recognising our support for gender equality.

Philosophy, Politics and International Relations - Graduate destinations

Graduate destinations for Philosophy, Politics and International Relations graduates 15 months after leaving UWE Bristol.

Digimap - Browse databases A-Z

Digimap is a collection of services that deliver maps and map data of Great Britain.


Postgraduate student satisfaction at UWE Bristol amongst highest in the UK

For the second year running, UWE Bristol has been rated as one of the top 10 universities in the UK for postgraduate student satisfaction.

HAS Dean’s Society, Science and Health PhD Studentships 2022 - Studentship opportunities

HAS Dean’s Society, Science and Health PhD Studentships 2022

Part-time work - Money and finance

Information for students about working alongside your studies, including how many hours to work, tax advice, and guidance for EU and International students.

Development of the National Framework on Air Quality Management for the Republic of South Africa - International projects

AQMRC reviewed the State of Environment report on behalf of the South African, ten years after the original National Framework, to provide a reflection on progress to date and international trends in air quality management.


UWE Bristol student up for prestigious UK nursing award

A UWE Bristol student has been shortlisted for a prestigious UK nursing award.


Joint exhibition by UWE students and Bristol Refugee Artists Collective celebrates its sixth year

A Bristol-based refugee arts collective and UWE Bristol students are celebrating their sixth year of collaboration with the launch of a new exhibition at Centrespace Gallery.


UWE Bristol climbs up league table of world's best young universities

UWE Bristol has moved up 39 places in Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2021, ranking 112th out of 475 institutions across the globe.


Record number of youngsters graduate from Children's University

Children from Bristol and South Gloucestershire celebrated when they graduated from the Children's University at a ceremony at Bristol Cathedral.

Showing 3745-3756 of 4311 results.