Research ethics
UWE Bristol is committed to promoting high ethical standards in the conduct of research undertaken by our staff and students.
Ethical standards
The University embraces and encourages the wide range of research activity with which staff and students engage. Research integrity is at the core of high-quality research.
All research at UWE Bristol should adhere to the highest ethical standards and any research which has the potential to raise significant ethical concerns must be submitted for independent ethical review. In any research involving people, their data or tissue, their dignity, rights, safety and wellbeing must be a significant consideration. Similarly, for any research involving animals, their welfare or the environment, ethics are underpinning concerns.
The University is required by the Concordat to Support Research Integrity (Universities UK, 2019) to have appropriate procedures for ensuring the integrity of research. Staff and students are also expected to carry out research in accordance with the UWE Bristol Code of Good Research Conduct (2022).
Why you need ethical approval
Why ethical approval must be obtained for all research involving human participants and/or human tissue.
Applying for ethical approval
The University's ethics application process for students and staff, approval pathways, and forms.
Policies, procedures guidance
Policies, procedures and guidance for research ethical approval, including research with human tissue.
Health and Social Care research
Applications for approval by the Health Research Authority - projects conducted in the NHS, HMPPS and Social Care research.
UWE Bristol Handbook of Research Ethics
The UWE Bristol Handbook of Research Ethics (PDF) sets out the policy, procedures and guidance for research ethics review at UWE Bristol.
Templates and guidance on participant information sheet, consent forms and privacy notices are available, together with guidance for researchers. See Policies, procedures and guidance.
Contact information for the Research Ethics Admin Team, University Research Ethics Sub-Committee and the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.
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Policy statement on the use of animals in research
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