Research governance and policies
Including research standards
About research governance at UWE Bristol
UWE Bristol is committed to promoting excellent research which observes the highest possible standards of integrity. Research governance is the framing within which we manage research to ensure research integrity is achieved. This framing includes principles, legal and regulatory provisions, standards of good practice, policies, guidance, systems, management and supervision.
Research Governance team
The Research Governance team provides support and advice for all researchers on research governance and good research practice at UWE Bristol.
We also provide governance advice and support for more specialist areas such as researching with children or vulnerable groups, human tissue research or working with statutory organisations such as the NHS.
The governance team can also signpost researchers to further specialist advice available within UWE Bristol, such as:
- collaboration agreements for research projects
- obtaining ethics approvals
- completing research risk assessments
- compliance with data protection legislation or understanding insurances for research projects.
Team members
Research integrity is overseen by Professor John Hancock; Associate Head of School (Research and Knowledge Exchange), School of Applied Sciences, College of Health, Science and Society.
Contact Ros Rouse. Research Governance Manager, for research integrity matters or formal complaints of research misconduct.
For general research governance enquiries, please email
Research Governance Record (RGR)
All staff and doctoral research must be entered on the UWE Research Governance Record. This is a mandatory requirement. You should enter your UWE Ethics approval number on the RGR as soon as you have it.
UWE Bristol Code of Good Research Conduct
UWE Bristol embraces and will meet the requirements of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity (Universities UK, 2019). To support this policy, the University has set in place a Code of Good Research Conduct.
In line with the requirements of the Concordat, UWE Bristol also publishes an annual statement on research integrity:
The use of animals in research
Please refer to the University's policy statement on the use of animals in research for the latest guidance in this area.
Research misconduct
In line with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, UWE Bristol has set in place specific procedures for dealing with allegations of research misconduct. If you want to find out more you can download UWE Bristol's Research Misconduct Procedure (PDF).
Public disclosure ("Whistleblowing")
The University is committed to the highest standards of honesty, openness and accountability. A Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosure Policy (within the Corporate section) is in place to allow staff, students and all members of the University to raise concerns or information which they believe in good faith provides evidence of malpractice or impropriety.
Further resources
Additional resources for researchers are available including guidance on human tissue research and research data management.
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Resources for researchers
Additional resources for researchers including information on export control legislation, human tissue research and research data management.

UWE Bristol Code of Good Research Conduct
UWE Bristol has set in place a Code of Good Research Conduct and a Policy on Good Research Conduct to promote good research practice, and prevent research misconduct.

Policy statement on the use of animals in research
UWE Bristol strongly supports research that meets the highest ethical standards, including that which involves animals.

Research ethics
UWE Bristol is committed to promoting high ethical standards in the conduct of research undertaken by its staff and students.