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Key to the abbreviated research themes:

ACN - Applied Cognition and Neuroscience
OPE - Optimising Performance and Engagement
PPH - Promoting Psychological Health

Staff members with primary affiliation to Psychological Sciences Research Group

Name and theme Key research interests

Dr Gamze Arman

Business expatriates and immigrants, female career development, abusive supervision

Dr Amelia Baldwin

Psychotherapy, spirituality, social justice, intersectionality, transcultural counselling, hate crime

Dr Lucy Blake

Family relationships, child development, estrangement, mental health, young people

Kate Bradley

Psychometric assessment, selection and development, artificial intelligence, diversity, growth mindset

Dr Sarah Brown

Weight management, cardiac rehabilitation, yoga for health and wellbeing

Dr James Byron-Daniel

Applied sport psychology, exercise interventions, performance, lifespan physical activity

Dr Tanya Carpenter

Counselling psychology, psychodynamic theory and therapy, evolutionary psychology, neurodiversity

Dr Mike Chase

Community psychology, mixed methods evaluations, and health provision experiences

Manos Christodoulakis

Counselling, psychotherapy, addictions, alcohol use disorder, autoethnography, horror fiction

Dr Kait Clark

Visual cognition, attention, perceptual learning, training, expertise, individual differences

Dr Toni Dicaccavo

Counselling psychology, parentification, compassion focused therapy, CBT

Dr Andy Eastwood

Psychopharmacology, social cognition, alcohol-related aggression, emotional face processing

Dr Charlotte Edmunds

Learning, decision-making, modelling, eye-tracking, open science

Dr Darren Ellis

Emotion, social media, mental health apps, surveillance, disclosure

Dr Jennie Ferrell

Cognitive development, social cognition, counterfactual reasoning, group dynamics

Dr Charlotte Flothmann

Migration and displacement, culturally-sensitive trauma support, collaborative research methods

Dr Eva Fragkiadaki

Psychotherapy change and outcome, qualitative methods, mixed methods

Emma Gaskin

Forensic psychology; face memory, perception and recognition; identifying offenders

Niki Gibbs

School-based counselling, whole-school approach, supervision in education

Dr Miltos Hadjiosif

Counselling psychology, wounded healer, community psychology, narrative, popular culture

Dr Naomi Heffer

Perception, emotion, multisensory processing, electroencephalography (EEG), anxiety

Danny Holmes

Mental health, sports performance, group dynamics, performing under pressure

Dr Nicola Holt

Creativity, art and health, schizotypy, anomalous experiences, experience sampling

Dr Iris Holzleitner

Face perception, social cognition, evolutionary psychology, morphometrics, open science

Rob Hutton

Cognitive work, performance, human factors, ergonomics, expertise, safety, knowledge

Dr Abigail Jackson

Autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, childhood development, interventions, embodied interactions, play

Dr Elizabeth Jenkinson

Health psychology, behaviour change, NHS practice, patient experiences

Dr Scott Jones

Attention, face recognition, perceptual learning, visual perception

Dr Jennifer Kinloch

Behavioural decision-making, associative learning, societal issues, mental health

Dr Kris Kinsey

Cognitive neuroscience, EEG, eye tracking, attention, vision, lexical dyslexia

Dr Emily Le Roux-Rutledge

Identity, narrative, migration, international development, health communication, gender, media

Dr James Macdonald

Consciousness, attention, perception, mind-wandering, mental imagery, neuronal oscillations

Finn McEvoy

Community psychology, mental health and well-being, critical consciousness, mixed methodology

Dr Jane Meyrick

Sexual health and well-being, public health, sexual violence prevention

Marcus Nel

Body image, sport injury, performance, mental health, motivation, culture

Dr Chris Pawson

Community psychology, mental health, child development, ethology behavioural ecology.

Gemma Pike

Proactivity, social identity, careers, psychological capital, coaching, workplace wellbeing

Dr Cody Porter

Lie detection, investigative interviewing, mental health and offending behaviour

Dr Lindsey Roberts

Health psychology, medication adherence, antibiotic stewardship, one health, anthrozoology

Alison Rouse

Therapeutic benefits of creative practice, arts-based research, counselling, trauma

Dr Jemma Sedgmond

Eating behaviour, cognitive control, brain stimulation, behaviour change

Dr Kayleigh Sheen

Maternity staff mental health, perinatal psychology, reproductive wellbeing, trauma

Ben Steeden

Leadership, leadership potential, recruitment, unconscious bias, ageism, wellbeing

Dr Abby Tabor

Embodied cognition, active inference, noncommunicable diseases, pain, built environment

Dr Zoe Thomas

Mental health, complex presentations, dual diagnosis

Dr Miles Thompson

Social justice, community and liberation psychologies, ACT, chronic pain

Dr Trang Tran

Psychological wellbeing, cultural adaptation, ecological development, intercultural practices

Dr Maddie Tremblett

Healthcare interactions, conversation analysis, delicate topics, uncertainty, risk

Dr Joe Walsh

Pain, non-verbal behaviour, attention, ASMR

Dr Tony Ward

Cognitive representation, psychotherapy, pluralism, integration, emotion processing, online simulation

Lindsay Woodford

Overtraining, mental health, sport psychology

Dr Nancy Zook

Executive functions, ageing, neuropsychological tests

Other members

Name Status

Dr Claire-Marie Roberts

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Priscilla Heard

Visiting Research Fellow

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