The Centre for Health and Clinical Research (CHCR) brings together researchers working in the fields of long-term conditions, palliative and supportive care, and emergency care, to inform knowledge mobilisation across the lifespan.

Our vision is to conduct excellent research and support its broad application to benefit the health and wellbeing of individuals and society.

We actively involve patients and the public at all stages of our research and evaluation activities.

Exterior photograph of a large stone building seen through the gardens and magnolia tree at UWE Bristol Glenside Campus.

About the centre

More about the Centre for Health and Clinical Research.

Research themes

An overview of our key research interests.


View our list of members.

Current projects

Current and future funded projects undertaken by researchers in the centre.


Details of the Centre's partnerships and links.

Events and news

Read about the Centre's events, news and activities.

People and Research South West

A regional initiative to involve the public in health and social care research.


Publications from the Centre for Health and Clinical Research.

Contact us

Contact the Centre for Health and Clinical Research.


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