About Computer Science Research Centre (CSRC)
Read about our research activity and current projects.
Computer Science Research Centre (CSRC) is based in UWE Bristol's School of Computing and Creative Technologies (College of Arts, Technology and Environment) and its research activities cover many of the facets of 21st century computer science, from artificial intelligence to the use of blockchain in smart city applications.
Find out more about some of our current projects below.
Current projects
CLMS-Cities (EU Commission, 2025-2028)
To achieve climate neutrality, cities in the EU Mission on “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities” must reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net zero by 2030. This includes emissions from buildings, transport, and land use changes within the city (scope 1). The new CLMS-Cities project aims to enhance Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS) with additional tools that support local climate change mitigation efforts by monitoring GHG emissions. Focusing on ten cities initially labelled in 2023, CLMS-Cities will offer scalable and consistent products, integrating data from various sources. The project has received about €2 million from the European Commission, including €373,000 for UWE Bristol. Key partners include local governments, research institutions, and private sector companies from countries such as United Kingdom, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, and Italy all working together to support the Mission’s ambitious objectives. CLMS-Cities project is in collaboration with UWE Bristol’s Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments.
For further information, contact Professor Zaheer Khan.
Machine learning for wastewater treatment (Innovate UK, 2025-2028)
This is a three-year Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project with WASE Limited, funded by Innovate UK. This collaboration aims to drive innovation and create positive commercial impacts. WASE specialises in converting wastewater and organic waste into energy, helping clients reduce energy costs and carbon emissions. The partnership will develop a machine learning platform to optimise WASE’s technology, allowing customers to treat wastewater on-site while generating energy. This project will enhance system performance, reduce downtime, and improve waste management. This project is a collaboration between academics from the Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence themes of CSRC and from UWE Bristol’s School of Engineering.
For further information, contact Professor Zaheer Khan.
GREENGAGE (EU Horizon Europe, 2023-2025)
The GREENGAGE project is about engaging citizens - mobilising technology - delivering the green deal. The GREENGAGE project brings together technology providers (mobile apps, Copernicus remote sensing, web tools, blockchain, AI/ML, visualisation, wearable sensors, IoT, UX, software engineering), social science, environmental and urban planning experts from seventeen organisations across Europe to develop citizen observatories across four pilots (Bristol, Copenhagen, Noord Brabant and Turano-Gerace). It leverages citizens’ participation and quips them with innovative digital solutions that will transform citizens’ engagement and cities’ effectiveness in delivering European Green Deal objectives for carbon neutral cities and shaping their climate mitigation and adaptation policies. This project is a collaboration with the Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments.
For further information, contact Professor Zaheer Khan.
SACRO (UKRI DARE Driver, 2023)
The SACRO project addresses a major bottleneck in the process of delivering valuable research insights from confidential data such as medical records held in Trusted Research Environments (TREs). This project will produce a consolidated framework with a rigorous statistical basis that provides guidance for TREs to agree consistent, standard processes to assist in quality assurance. It will design and implement a semi-automated system for checks on common research outputs, with increasing levels of support for other types of output, such as Machine Learning models. Working with a range of different types of TRE in different sectors (for example, health and socioeconomic data), organisations (including academia, government and the private sector) and the public will ensure wide applicability. This project is a collaboration with the Data Research, Access and Governance Network and the Mathematics and Statistics Research Group.
For further information, please contact Professor Jim Smith.
BioMeld (EU Horizon, 2022-2025)
The goal of project BioMeld is to design and manufacture a biohybrid catheter that would be small and flexible enough to gain access to hard-to-reach areas and deliver drugs on site. In order to achieve this, we will develop a modelling and simulation framework, test it and optimise it by developing a reconfigurable modular biohybrid machine (BHM catheter, and group the necessary manufacturing equipment into a biointelligent manufacturing cell (BIMC). This project is a collaboration with the Unconventional Computing Laboratory.
For further information, contact Dr Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas.
Application of data-enabled innovations to commercial chicken production for business improvement and optimisation (Innovate UK, 2022-2024)
This African agriculture knowledge transfer partnerships (KTP) aims to develop transformational innovation strategy in a scaling poultry business through data-enabled innovations and implementing IoT (Internet of Things) for whole farm integration, emphasising cost-saving and revenue boosting. A new strategy for exploring data-enabled innovations (DEI) for the development of chicken business enterprises (CBEs) can enormously amplify the business capabilities, leading to higher productivity and profitability by reducing feed wastage, chicken mortality and stunted growth.
This project will implement IoT-based farm management technologies for real time data capture and perform rigorous data analytics in an iterative fashion to generate precise predictions. These analytical predictions will be used to generate retrospective and preventive insights to enhance business capabilities, reduce feed waste, improve chicken survivability and growth, as well as boost product quality.
For further information, please contact Professor Kamran Munir.
Active Machine Learning for forecasting in the legal profession (Innovate UK, 2022-2024)
The provision of legal services is in a period of dramatic and rapid transition, and Lyons Davidson has identified AI-based technology to streamline its delivery as a key strategic aim, enabling it to thrive by out-competing other players in both quality and costs of provision. This Knowledge Transfer Partnership project will address how to build and deploy systems that can learn predictive models from historical records and adapt rapidly in response to human expertise in a way that conventional Machine Learning (ML) approaches do not accommodate. The project will focus throughout on demonstrating that strict ethical considerations such as privacy-preservation apply to all parts of the resulting systems.
For further information, please contact Professor Jim Smith.
Visit our research themes pages for more information about the five research themes underpinning our activities.
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