The Mathematics and Statistics Research Group (MSRG) aims to deliver internationally excellent mathematics research, including real-world impact; develop research collaboration; apply its research to outstanding learning and generate income; aims that align with the UWE Bristol Strategy 2030.

The MSRG community consists of mathematicians from UWE Bristol.

MSRG incorporates the previous Research Group in Mathematics and its Applications (RGMA) and Applied Statistics Group (ASG).

Image of a city skyline with overlapping statistics diagrams.

Research themes

An overview of MRSG's current research themes.


Key members of the MSRG community.

Potential PhD projects

A portfolio of potential PhD projects within MRSG.


List of publications produced by members of MSRG.

OR Smartisan

A programme run by MSRG to provide Operational Research (OR) technical support to academics and students.


Get in touch with any enquiries.


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