Bristol Health Partners
A dynamic collaboration which includes the city’s two universities, and the region’s NHS trusts and local authorities.
About Bristol Health Partners
Bristol Health Partners unites organisations and communities in research, planning and practice to make changes together that improve the local health and care system.
The collaboration includes Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG)’s NHS Trusts, its two universities, three local authorities and Integrated Care Board. These organisations have strengths in a range of health-related fields and a long history of joint working.
How the partnership works
Bristol Health Partners works in Health Integration Teams (HITs). They draw their membership from some or all of the partner organisations and collaborate across disciplines to tackle different health conditions and challenges.
Everything achieved collectively as a partnership and individually through HITs is driven by:
- Generating and using evidence from research and sharing it with those who manage, plan, provide and experience health and care in the region and beyond. This means decisions about health and care practice have strong foundations and a better chance of success.
- Studying what is happening in health and care practice and in communities to prioritise areas for future research.
- Bringing about evidence-based improvements to local health and care and helping introduce these changes more quickly and effectively.
- Supporting training for people in health and care locally to improve what they do and how they do it.
- Involving people with lived experience to ensure their needs are reflected in changes to health and care.
- Working with people from diverse communities to make the health and care system more accessible and equitable, to provide better outcomes.
Additional information
For more information, visit the Bristol Health Partners website:
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