Details on the range of AQMRC's outreach and public engagement work.
On local, national and international projects, the AQMRC team have integrated a broad range of public engagement and outreach into our work.
Alongside our academic, professional and policy-influencing dissemination, we view public engagement via media, talks and lectures, events, and school outreach as crucial to our portfolio.
We aim where possible to incorporate public engagement into our research bids and projects, generate opportunities for students to engage in ‘live projects’ working for and with communities, and respond to media requests.
As one example, our work on ClairCity has involved engagements across Bristol and the region at community events and local schools, reaching over 700 children and thousands of adults. Our “Air Pollution Solutions” primary school activity is part of the national British Science Week 2019 pack and will be freely available to download for schools across the UK from the British Science Association in 2019.
Locally and nationally, our team receives frequent requests to speak at community and public events, and we try our best to attend where possible.
Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
The AQMRC is widely recognised by air quality and carbon management practitioners, nationally and internationally as a leading provider of information, advice, research and consultancy.
Research centres and groups
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Publications from Air Quality Management Resource Centre (AQMRC)
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Research projects
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