Scientific Programme

View the Appearance Matters 10 Scientific Programme below, which is subject to change.

Appearance Matters 10 Scientific Programme (PDF)

You can also view the Appearance Matters 10 Poster Presentation Schedule (PDF).

AM10 Panel Discussion, 12 June 2024

An exciting panel event will take place on the second day of the conference, on Wednesday 12 June 2024 from 17:15 to 18:30 in the Conference Hall.

Beyond the Selfie: Can Social Media Influencers Shape the Appearance Diversity Landscape?

Body dissatisfaction is a significant public health concern, which can lead to various negative health and psychological outcomes. While social media has been criticised for exacerbating these issues, the impact of social media influencers remains debatable.

Social media influencers have large groups of followers who trust their thoughts and recommendations. Increasingly, they showcase appearance diversity, including visible differences, and actively challenge Eurocentric beauty ideals and practices. Yet, arguably, social media influencers also promote harmful appearance alterations by using beauty filters and endorsing unhealthy weight practices and cosmetic procedures, all amid a largely unregulated social media landscape.

The panel will explore whether social media influencers can promote appearance diversity, touching on key topics such as body positivity, diverse representation, ethics, regulation, and legislation.

Keynote speakers

View the biographies and abstracts of the Appearance Matters 10 keynote speakers.

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