Women and girls

We’re standing up to sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour and we want to help you to do it too. We’ve pulled together helpful resources on how to call out unacceptable behaviour, how to empower change and helplines for support.

Don't be that guy

Do you recognise these behaviours? Have you seen it amongst your friends, course mates, housemates?

We don’t think it’s ok, do you? Call it out. Be an ally.

That guy


Understand harassment and get advice on keeping safe on nights out

Speak Up

Our short films show different types of inappropriate behaviour. If you experience something that’s not right, learn how to Speak Up.

Have a safe night out

We know some of you will want to enjoy Bristol’s nightlife, and we want to make sure you look after yourself when you do.

Bristol Nights

You may have spotted their posters dotted around the city. The Bristol Nights team are stepping up to demonstrate their zero-tolerance response to sexual harassment.

Tea and Consent

If you’re still struggling with consent just imagine instead of initiating sex, you’re making someone a cup of tea…

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