Find out how to raise a safeguarding concern.
We are committed to:
- supporting and promoting the welfare of our community – students, staff and visitors
- creating a safe environment that’s conducive for the work, study and enjoyment of all members of our community.
Report a concern
To share a serious concern, please visit wellbeing, emergency and crisis support. Anyone can access this support.
You can share concerns about:
- students
- children (under the age of 18)
- vulnerable adults (people who need care and support – whether or not they currently receive it – and can't protect themselves from abuse or neglect)
- extremism or radicalisation in the University community or on campus.

Report and Support tool
Our online tool has been developed for UWE Bristol students to get help if you've experienced something on campus or on university business that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable.
With Report and Support, you can choose to speak with one of our trained advisers so they can discretely investigate incidents, or you can report issues anonymously.
Access Report and Support
Safeguarding policy
The safeguarding policy covers under 18s and vulnerable adults, welfare concerns, the Prevent Duty and safeguarding people from being drawn into terrorism.
Read the policyPrevent Duty and extremism
Government legislation has placed a statutory duty on Higher Education institutions to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
The legislation, known as the Prevent Duty, applies to all kinds of extremism related to any ideology. The objective is to safeguard individuals from being radicalised and drawn into terrorism.
If you have any concerns that a member of the University community may be vulnerable to radicalisation or that extremist organisations are operating on UWE Bristol campuses, please call the UWE Bristol Serious Concerns Line.
Find out from ACT Early about safeguarding and supporting people who are vulnerable to radicalisation.
Safeguarding information for staff
You can find out about safeguarding and reporting a student welfare concern on the staff intranet (login required).
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Speak Up
We want to create an inclusive campus where antisocial attitudes and behaviours are challenged. If a situation doesn't feel right, Speak Up.