Fire safety
Please be aware of fire safety arrangements when you're on UWE Bristol premises.
What you need to do
Step 1
A monthly global sounding of the fire alarm system is held across Frenchay, Glenside and Bower Ashton campuses on set dates and times, giving a short burst of the sounding for 10-20 seconds. If the fire alarm sounds for longer during these periods you should evacuate the building normally. Listen to an example fire alarm.
Step 2
Activate the fire alarm using the nearest red manual call point. You should also repeatedly shout “fire” to alert persons in the immediate vicinity.
Step 3
Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the building escape routes from areas that you normally use and your local college evacuation procedures. Please evacuate immediately if the fire alarm activates, closing doors behind you. All doors marked as ‘Fire door keep shut’ or ‘fire door keep locked’ must be kept closed – they must not be propped or wedged open.
Don't use the lifts if the fire alarm is sounding.
You must always make your way to the signed evacuation areas – once outside the building, you must move well away from the building and don’t loiter near the entrances.
Fire Action Notices (PDF) are provided across our campuses to remind you of the action to take in the event of a fire.
Step 4
Don't go back into the building until you have been told you can by Security staff.
Evacuating disabled students
If you can't evacuate yourself in an emergency situation and need help to make a safe exit, or if you want to know how your evacuation would work, please contact your Programme Leader or Disability Service. They can set up a personal emergency evacuation plan (PEEP) with you that is tailored to your needs.
We have a refuge evacuation procedure in place if you need assistance to evacuate because of stairs in a confirmed emergency. Trained security staff will use specialist evacuation equipment (an Evac+Chair) to safely evacuate you (you will only be evacuated in a confirmed fire emergency).
Assisted evacuation
Watch the refuge evacuation procedure we use when there's a confirmed fire and we've been told that someone's in the refuge.
Refuge points give people with a disability a temporary place of safety during a fire and they offer a line of communication to security staff.
Fire safety equipment
Please don't damage, tamper, move or cover any fire equipment including extinguishers, smoke detectors and alarms. Interfering with the equipment that is there to ensure life safety can lead to devastating consequences.
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Stay safe on and off campus
Take a look at our guidance on fire safety, first aid and accidents to help you to stay safe during your time at UWE Bristol.

Find out how to raise a safeguarding concern. We take all safeguarding concerns seriously and take proportionate and appropriate action.