Wellbeing self-help

There are many resources at UWE Bristol and beyond to have a look at if you'd like to find out more about managing your own wellbeing.

Student Health App

Why google your symptoms and risk getting overly worried? Download the Student Health App and use it to reduce your worries and know where to go to get the support you need.

Get the app

Read resources

Helpful resources on various topics commonly discussed in counselling and mental health support.

Your practitioner may point you towards some of these during your sessions.

Tackling loneliness

We’ve pulled together some information on how to build connections and meet others to help you tackle loneliness.

Tackling loneliness

Attend a workshop

Attend a workshop and get support with managing your wellbeing.

Wellbeing PAL

Our wellbeing workshops teach you a proactive approach to building your confidence at university and beyond.

They are led by students and have been developed to help you build the confidence you need to succeed at university and in life. You’ll learn life skills of resilience and be more able to tackle the challenges that come your way.

“I found the workshop useful and eye opening. I feel able to better deal with exams now”
Postgraduate student

Find out more and book a Wellbeing PAL workshop
Student at Resilient U workshop

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