Music lessons, masterclasses and mini courses

We offer minicourses, one to one lessons and masterclasses. All taught by professional musicians for our student and staff members.


Masterclasses hosted by industry professionals 

Sign up to one of our masterclasses hosted by industry professionals. Our 'Inspire Masterclass series 2021' included up close experiences with:

  • violinist Braimah Kanneh-Mason, of the famous musical Kanneh-Mason family
  • French horn player Felix Klieser, who plays with his feet
  • 'Les Miserables' superstar Craig Mather, who has played ‘Marius’ over 1000 times
  • sound engineer Nick Lythgoe, who has worked with Bastille, Avici, Bruno Mars and many more in his 40-year career.

View the events diary for upcoming masterclasses

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