Service standards
Overview for residents
Accommodation Services aims to provide the best possible experience to its customers at all times. In order to do this we have set service standards for UWE Bristol accommodation, which we aim to meet.
Please refer to our Residents' guide for additional information on maintenance, services and other support.


Recycling and refuse
Recycling and refuse collection information for students staying in UWE Bristol accommodation.

Information on cleaning service standards for students staying in UWE Bristol accommodation.

Repairs service standards, including emergency repairs, for UWE Bristol accommodation students.

Security service standards for UWE Bristol accommodation students.
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Accommodation enquiries
The UWE Bristol accommodation team are here to help you so please get in contact with us if you would like further assistance.

Behaviour management in accommodation
Behaviour management and intervention processes in UWE Bristol student accommodation. It includes anti-social behaviour, drugs and fire disciplinary guides.

Inspections and safety checks
We carry out routine safety checks, cleanliness inspections and fire drills.