Booking transport for UWE Bristol business

Information on booking a UWE Bristol pool car and other vehicles.

UWE Bristol pool car network

In partnership with Co-Wheels, a car club scheme has been introduced for all UWE Bristol staff for both business and private use. Pool cars have been shown to be a more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly way for staff to travel than private car use. 

Book a pool car

In order to use the pool cars, you will need to join the Co-Wheels scheme. To do this please email requesting membership. Once we have confirmed your eligibility you will receive an email invite with a link to register your details.

What the cars can be used for

The service must only be used for UWE Bristol business use or personal use. If you are needing to use Co-wheels for personal reasons, simply make the booking through your personal Co-wheels account.

Becoming a private member is free for UWE Bristol employees, with no membership fee or monthly charges. Staff simply need to join the scheme on the Co-Wheels website and to find out how, read the 'How do I hire the cars?' section below. Hourly charges apply for personal travel. Please ensure you select your personal account for booking non-business journeys.

Hiring the cars

Email so we can authorise use of the cars. You will then be sent a link with sign-up instructions.


Costs to use this service vary depending on certain factors. The cost for UWE Bristol business use will be recharged to the user's department.

There is an initial set up fee of £10 to the University to cover the required DVLA drivers licence checks.

Personal usage is charged on the basis of an hourly rate, starting from around £4 depending on the car.

Queries about driving the cars

If you have a query about driving the cars, there is a manual provided in each of the cars. Any other queries whilst you have the car can be directed to Co-Wheels on +44 (0)191 375 1055.


The cars should be plugged back in to their respective charging bays.

Co-Wheels and using other cars

Co-Wheels is the social enterprise that runs the pool car for UWE Bristol. Any profits the company makes go straight back into developing car clubs. They aim to reduce car use and change the way people view and use cars. Visit the Co-Wheels website for more information.

If you become a private member of Co-Wheels (which you can do for free as a UWE Bristol employee), you can choose from the range of cars. Visit the Co-Wheels website for more information.

Booking taxis, coaches and hire cars

To book taxis, coaches and hire cars from external providers, please use the booking form. Note that the UWE Bristol pool car should be used as a first preference for return journeys from Frenchay unless they are long trips.

Car parking for visitors

Staff can reserve car parking for visitors on UWE Bristol business through the visitor parking booking form.

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