The University selects suppliers through competitive tendering or quotations for lower value purchases.
Procurement at UWE Bristol is carried out in accordance with the University's financial regulations, its procurement strategy and its legal requirements as a public sector body, which means that it is subject to the UK Public Sector Procurement Regulations and Policies.
UWE Bristol is a member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC). Along with other HE Purchasing Consortia, SUPC put framework agreements in place which can be used by its members when buying goods and services. The University can also use framework agreements put in place by other agencies, such as Crown Commercial Services and TUCO.
Procurement strategy
Mission statement
The aim of the Procurement Team is to enable the University to make maximum use of our non-pay resources in order that we may minimise purchasing costs and achieve value for money in the delivery of goods and services to our internal customers, whilst contributing to the overall strategic goals of the University.
Social value is a key driver in terms of responsible procurement strategy.
Social value in procurement is about making sure that what we buy creates an overall positive impact on our people and communities. It can be divided into three main areas:
- Social: this is about improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities, encouraging interconnectedness and mutual support among people
- Economic: this focuses on promoting economic policies and business practices that uplift society’s wellbeing
- Environmental: this stresses the importance of sustainable processes that take care of both the social and physical environment, ensuring a viable future for everyone
Read more about our overall approach to sustainable purchasing and procurement.
Procurement strategy
To obtain the best value in the procurement of goods and services.
Professional expertise is concentrated on the procurement of high value and strategic goods and services, where added value can be optimised.
Controls and systems for the efficient procurement of more straightforward and low-value purchasing items are used whenever possible and are under constant development and review. Such systems currently include purchasing cards, travel cards and e-purchasing.
Procurement is devolved in specialist areas of IT, Estates, Printing and Stationery, Catering and Accommodation but overseen by a central, professional team, which ensures compliance with University policy and the law.
Elements of the strategy
- Securing the commitment of effective procurement from Senior Managers, Deans and Heads of Service.
- Identify and disseminate information and advice on good procurement practice.
- Improve the training and skills development of all those involved in procurement.
- Improve the use of management information systems, including e-systems.
- Actively support and promote Consortia, national and co-operative purchasing contracts and agreements.
- Support the use of performance measuring benchmarking techniques and monitoring both internally and externally to the HE sector.
- Promote procurement practices which contribute to the sustainability of the environment.
- Analyse annual expenditure by supplier and product to identify purchasing opportunities, potential savings and adherence to the Public Procurement Regulations.
- Promote end user involvement and critical feedback to SUPC product affinity groups.
- Ensure the Code of Ethics in the Purchasing Policy (FIN 3) is observed by all staff and representatives engaged in the University's procurement activities.
- Monitor the register of Interests and Declarations from members of the governing body, senior officers and those staff with the authority to commit the University to significant amounts of expenditure.
Become a supplier to UWE Bristol
Contract value at or above UWE Bristol tender threshold
All tender opportunities with a contract value at or above the UWE Bristol tender threshold are open to bids from the entire supply market and will be published on Find-a-Tender and on the University's preferred e-tendering portal, In-Tend.
Suppliers wishing to submit a tender should express interest in the opportunity on Find a Tender whereby the tender documentation is then forwarded to them electronically.
Contract value exceeding Public Contract Regulations threshold
Contract opportunities that have a value that exceeds the Public Contract Regulations threshold will also be published on the Find a Tender Service (FTS), which is free to use.
Contract notices on FTS will direct potential tenderers to the In-Tend tendering portal to allow them to express an interest in the opportunity and receive documentation.
Goods/services funded by EU grants
Where the goods or services being supplied are funded by EU grants with specific conditions relating to procurement advertising, for example European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), these conditions take precedent over the University's advertising requirements. See the ESIF National Procurement Requirements (ESIF-GN-1-001, version 5) published 20 February 2017 for information.
Please note
Every invitation to tender must state that the University:
- Does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
- Reserves the right to invite further tenders at its absolute discretion if it considers that the tenders received do not provide adequate competition or for other good reason.
Partners in Procurement
West of England Partners in Procurement is a group of public bodies based in the West of England. The membership encompasses the four, former Avon local authorities and representatives from a diverse range of public bodies, including local universities and colleges, blue light services and healthcare trusts.
Since 2007 the group has run annual events to encourage local businesses to supply to the public sector by showing them how to identify business opportunities and teaching them what is required from potential suppliers, particularly in the early stages of the tender process (supplier selection).
University of the West of England, Bristol
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
Bristol BS16 1QY
EORI number: GB520137788000
Email: (general enquiries)
Role |
Contact |
Telephone |
Procurement Director |
Helen Baker |
Senior Procurement Category Manager |
Georgia Hatcher |
Senior Procurement Category Manager | Joe Stock | +44 (0)117 32 83959 |
Procurement Category Manager | Kath Vicary | +44 (0)117 32 88975 |
Procurement Category and Data Officer |
Rosie Hale |
Procurement Assistant |
Ali Baker |
Procurement Assistant |
Susie King |
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Terms and conditions of purchase
Terms and conditions of purchase for UWE Bristol.

Supplier documents and information
Useful documents and links to information for current and prospective suppliers of UWE Bristol.

Sustainable purchasing and procurement
Details of our strategy to deliver sustainable procurement and address our suppliers' emissions, as outlined in our Responsible Procurement ESG policy.