Freedom of information

Information and guidance on freedom of information requests to UWE Bristol.

About Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act gives individuals or organisations the right to request information from public authorities such as the University. It helps to promote a culture of openness and accountability across the public sector.

The University, like other public authorities, is required to produce a publication scheme (PDF), which is a guide to how to obtain information which is routinely available.

If you make a formal Freedom of Information request, the University has up to 20 working days to identify whether it holds the information and decide whether the law permits you to have the information. It will provide as much information as possible free of charge. There are, however, limits on how much time the University can be expected to spend doing this. It is allowed to withhold information that should not be released into the public domain. If this is the case, you will be told what exemption is being used and given an explanation of why it applies.

The Information Commissioner's Office is an independent authority set up to promote access to official information and to protect personal information in the United Kingdom. There is a range of guidance available on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

How to make a Freedom of Information request

Your freedom of information request must:

  • be made in writing
  • state the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence
  • describe the information requested.

Please email your request to or send requests to:

Freedom of Information Officer, Governance
University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)
Frenchay Campus
Coldharbour Lane
BS16 1QY

Before you make a request

The information may be publicly available. Please see:

Requests for student and staff information

As a general rule the University does not disclose information about its staff and students. There are some exceptions, such as where the subject has consented, disclosure is to the subject's authorised agent, or disclosure is to a law enforcement agency. For full details please contact the UWE Data Protection Team at

Freedom of information complaints

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which your request has been handled, you may request an internal review and should contact the Freedom of Information Officer in the first instance.

If you believe that your complaint has not been dealt with properly, you may also complain to:

The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

The Information Commissioner's Office website