Types of complaints
A complaint may relate to programmes of study, facilities or services provided by the University or actions/lack of action by University staff.
For example (not an exhaustive list):
- teaching and facilities
- student accommodation
- research supervision
- welfare
- maladministration
- procedural irregularities
- unfair practices.
Criminal behaviour and legal proceedings
Allegations of criminal behaviour will be referred directly to the Vice-Chancellor's office.
If a complainant brings court or tribunal proceedings against the University which may be relevant to the complaint, the University will normally suspend consideration of the complaint under this procedure until the outcome of legal proceedings is known.
Complaints against a member of staff
It is recognised that a small minority of complaints may be made about actions or behaviour by a member of UWE Bristol staff. A student considering making such a complaint is advised to discuss the concern with the Students' Union Advice Centre in the first instance.
If a complaint refers to a specific member of staff, the complaint will be brought to the attention of that individual (generally by the relevant Senior Manager) as part of the investigation of the complaint.
The staff member will be kept informed at all stages, and will have the right to make representations to the Complaints Manager and/or Student Casework Team Manager if s/he is unhappy with the investigation or proposed outcome of the complaint.
A complaint against a member of staff will initially be investigated in line with this procedure. However it may also be necessary to refer such a complaint to the People and Organisation Development department, particularly where the complaint is relevant to another University policy, for example:
- staff ill health
- staff conduct
- staff performance
- Dignity at Work Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Harassment Policy.
Submitting a complaint
The University has developed a three stage complaint procedure to provide a clear route for making a complaint. Learn more about submitting a complaint.
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Understanding the complaints process
Is the complaints procedure right for me? Find out about the options open to you when making a complaint.

Using the complaints procedure
Information about who can complain and UWE Bristol's commitment to you.

Submitting a complaint
Learn more about the complaints process and the different stages involved.

Advice and support
Advice and support about the complaint procedure and outcomes.