Vice-Chancellor's Office
The Vice-Chancellor’s Office is part of the Strategy and Governance Directorate which brings together Governance, Business Resilience, Legal and Contracts, health and safety, high-level administrative, policy, and strategic support services for members of the Vice-Chancellor's Executive and the Board of Governors. This includes strategy development, risk management, business continuity planning, major incident response and freedom of information.
Chief of Staff and Clerk to the Board of Governors/Director of Strategy and Governance – Dr Jodie Anstee.
Contacts and responsibilities
Business Resilience
Head of Business Resilience – Mark Webster
Responsible for developing and maintaining the University’s risk management framework, business continuity planning and major incident response. Providing support for Colleges and Professional Services to identify, assess and manage risk and the limit disruption in the event of an incident.
Health and Safety
We provide professional advice and guidance on relevant legislation and implementation of UWE Bristol's Health and Safety policy. Health and Safety includes chemical, physical, biological, fire safety, the work environment, and work-related health and human factors.
Head of Health and Safety – Alison Weeks
Head of Governance/Deputy Clerk to the Board of Governors – Chris Gledhill
Responsible for the maintenance and development of the University’s corporate governance framework. This includes ensuring regulatory and legislative requirements placed upon the University’s Governance structure are fulfilled.
Responsible for freedom of information.
Vice-Chancellor's office
Head of Vice-Chancellor's Office – Holly Davies
Members of the Directorate supported through the Vice-Chancellor’s Office:
- Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Officer – Professor Steven West
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost – Professor Amanda Coffey
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Registrar – Jo Midgley
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Governance and management
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Find out more about our Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive Officer Professor Sir Steve West.