Completing your academic module
During your placement you will be expected to complete coursework related to your workplace experience. Your placement is a practical learning experience that complements and enhances your academic study.
Your academic module is there to consolidate what you've learnt during your placement.
Your module will specify a number of learning outcomes that are likely to include:
- analysis of how academic theory relates to your professional practice
- critical evaluation of your organisation or a particular project or area of expertise
- evaluation of your own professional experience and how this informs your future career choices.
Remember that you’ll be expected to carry out assignment work outside of your working hours.
Support to complete your academic module
It’s likely that your module will be self-led, which means you’ll be expected to direct your own independent learning whilst on your placement. Remember that you’re not alone – there’s plenty of support to help you including:
You’ll be given access to the Blackboard site for your module in time for the start of the academic term in September. This will include details of key academic contacts and a module handbook for the module.
Your academic tutor
You’ll be given an academic tutor to support you with your academic work. Contact your tutor as soon as you’re given their details to introduce yourself – it’s also good practice to keep them updated about your placement progress.
If you’re on a sandwich placement, your tutor will usually be allocated in the autumn term. Most sandwich placements include one visit from your tutor to your placement, which you should discuss directly with the tutor. If a site visit isn’t possible, you can arrange a Skype chat instead.
Involving your employer
The level of your involvement at your placement’s workplace will depend on your manager. It'll be helpful for them to know about the placement module requirements when thinking about planning your workload and setting objectives for your placement – please feel free to update them on your module work as you progress.
If your manager has questions about the academic module:
- you or they can contact your module leader or the Placement Team (during the summer vacation)
- you can download them a copy of the module handbook on Blackboard
- you or they can speak to your tutor (during term time).
Further information
What to do if circumstances change
Student Support Advisers are there to support you with matters relating to your academic studies and advise you of your options. You’ll need to speak to an adviser if you’ve failed a module, have left your placement early before completing the required number of weeks or have personal circumstances affecting your placement.
Please keep the Placement Team updated about any issues affecting your placement as well, such as if you can’t get hold of your tutor.
What to do if you start a placement over the summer
It’s likely you’ll start your sandwich placement over the summer before the academic term begins. Use this time to settle in to your placement and think about what you want to get out of your placement.
Remember to keep a log of the activities you’ve undertaken (in whatever format suits you). Depending on the requirements of your module, this might be useful at a later point for inclusion in reflective logs.
If you have any questions about your module during the summer period before term begins, please contact your module leader (if known) or contact the Placement Team and we’ll be happy to help.
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