Term dates
Timetable overview
View details of UWE Bristol term times and key dates for the current and future academic years.
Please note that the dates given are the standard University dates. Different dates may apply for some courses. Students should not book holiday in University term time or during assessment periods.
Term dates by academic year
View standard dates for the academic years.
Student timetable publication dates
Timetables for the 2024/25 academic year will be published on Wednesday 4 September 2024.
After timetables have been published, your timetable will be available once you have started the registration process in MYUWE. It can take up to three working days after you have registered for your timetable to show in MYUWE.
Please note the early timetable publication date for the following:
- School of Health and Social Wellbeing timetables will be available from the 19 July 2024.
- School of Education and Childhood, PGCE Primary and PGCE Secondary timetables will be available from the 21 August 2024.
- Solicitor's Training Course timetables will be available from the 21 August 2024.
If you have already started your course but do not have access to your timetable or if you have a problem with your timetable, go to our timetable guidance.