
Get quick feedback on your writing.

What is Studiosity

UWE Bristol have partnered with Studiosity, which provides a service that enables you to get feedback on a piece of writing - draft essay, written assignment or a CV - helping you to improve your writing skills. You can submit work up to 8,000 words and get it back within a few minutes, with tips and notes on how to make it better. This is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Access Studiosity 

How to use Studiosity

Watch our quick guide to discover how to access Studiosity, submit your work and understand your feedback report.

Studiosity feedback

You will receive feedback about:

  • Structure
  • Use of language
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Use of sources
  • Critical thinking.

The feedback is not subject specific and will not give you direction on a particular subject. 

Studiosity Writing Feedback is not a proofreading service and it does not offer guidance on subject content. Studiosity will not give an indication of the mark or grade your work will get.

Our partnership gives free access to all UWE Bristol students and staff.

Remember, the best students know that they can ask for feedback and help.

How to access Studiosity

You need to access Studiosity through Blackboard on your desktop or laptop.

Navigate to the Studiosity Blackboard area

If you are asked, enter your UWE Bristol username and password. Then select 'Enrol' and follow the guidance that appears on screen.

Please note that this is a live link straight into Blackboard. Single Sign On (SSO) means that students and staff can enter seamlessly but you may have to enter your username and password if the session is timed out on a non-UWE Bristol computer.

Further help

If you have further questions or if you have trouble getting into your account visit the Studiosity support page or contact the Library.

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